Its easy to post about love when you have love here. Its easy to - TopicsExpress


Its easy to post about love when you have love here. Its easy to post about family when you have family. Its easy to post about things that some people do not have, or even to bellow out how people are to 1,2,3 just walk BUT when it gets hard its not so easy to show the love that we say we have for others...its not so easy to give a word of encouragement when it really does not benefit you nor your Ministry its much easier when they are friends, family or someone you MIGHT have a need of, or someone that JUST might open a door that you can see...its easy to say you love GOD and people when nothing is required but an easy formula of words without works. ITS not so easy to act upon what you say you are. THERE is a lack in the body of Christ of sincere there is a lack of truth and pure motive it has been over ridden by false humility, stardom, and people pleasers. WE have needed for a long time to get back to the truth and watching for the fruit as the word says you will KNOW them by their fruit. I see many that basically have said let the show go on and have no repentance for the simplest of things much less the more important their saying would be just let the show go on and that is the problem, THIS has to stop and regroup at the alter of the LORD it has to go back to the knees and TRULY touch the heart of GOD the scripts need to be throw away the leaning post and things need to start coming from your spirit from a pure heart and assumptions need to be put away. Mentors need to re-establish and come to the forefront and people need to walk in the call in pureness. I do not know about you BUT my heart is broken over the jealousy the competiveness the hardness of people that say they love GOD but would not give you a glass of water if you were dieing of thirst. I am not mad hurt at what I see and read broken before the LORD for his church, and the reproduction of what is not aligning with his word. SORROWED by the need of people to pounce on you with a title and not the love of GOD in them leaving them and feeling like I have to bath from the corrupt ways they have gotten into I almost was wondering if maybe I was reading another word than them BUT the VERY simplest of things is love I am not perfect but I do walk in convictions, and I wonder if many do now a days, or is that deemed as forgotten or old fashion. FATHER you know my heart in this matter and what I am conveying maybe FATHER this is not popular with people if there be any ways in me or others that are not RIGHT Lord help me and them FATHER take us back to a place in you that is all you and no drama no platform BUT just a knee at the alter a place where we love as YOU love that WE maybe do not understand but are sensitive to the place others are b/c we love maybe not walked it but we are sincere in you about you. FATHER we are nothing without you LORD thank you for your LOVE for us in Jesus Name Amen
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 11:13:50 +0000

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