Its easy to see the corruption in the modern translations. But - TopicsExpress


Its easy to see the corruption in the modern translations. But what makes the KJV so special ? The King James Version (also known as the Authorized Version) is unique. It is not just a good translation OF the word of God; it is THE supernatural word of God. (Divine inspiration is NOT limited to the original languages. See Acts 2:4-6.) * It is without proven error. (see the books Bible Problems by Dr. Gerardus Bouw & The Errors in the King James Bible by Dr. Peter Ruckman, which answer every major attack and show that nobody has ever proved a single mistake in the King James text.) * It contains Gods built-in dictionary, defining words with context clues. * It has a vocabulary and reading level which gradually increases from Genesis to Revelation. * It gives a transparent view of the Hebrew and Greek vocabulary, grammar and syntax. ( In other words, the translators didnt sacrifice accuracy by changing the Hebrew and Greek to fit the English; They adapted the English to fit the Hebrew and Greek!) * It preserves pronoun specificity. ( thou, thee, thine = singular / ye, you, your = plural ) * It uses literary devices which enhance doctrinally important concepts and memorability. * Its sentence structure enhances accurate doctrinal interpretation. ( see The Language of the King James Bible & In Awe of Thy Word by Gail Riplinger ) * It has miraculous ordering and number patterns. (see By Divine Order by Michael Hoggard: The purpose of this book: to provide undeniable evidence that the [English] Bible is divinely inspired in all its details. ...the textual and numerical patterns...are not replicated in the modern translations.) _____________________________________________________________________ BUT MY GREEK PROFESSOR SAID... (THESE GUYS DIDNT.) A few quotes to show that what they call King-James-onlyism is not just some obscure heresy limited to the uneducated... Dr. D.A. Waite, ThD, PhD : ...the King James Bible is the most accurate translation in the English language... Dr. Samuel Gipp, ThD : ...the scholarship of the men who translated the King James Bible is literally unsurpassable by todays scholars... Dr. Carl Baugh, PhD : God has put his stamp of approval on [the King James translation]. Dr. Kent Hovind, PhD : I think anyone who speaks English should read the King James. Dr. Kirk DiVietro : …the plethora of Bible translations, each claiming to increase the readability…while sacrificing textual purity and accuracy of translation, has resulted in a watered-down, anemic Christianity... Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon, author of the original NASV preface : I must under God renounce every attachment to the New American Standard... Im afraid Im in trouble with the Lord... I wrote the format; I helped to interview some of the translators; I sat with the translators; I wrote the preface... I cant refute these arguments; its wrong, its terribly wrong; it is frightfully wrong... I can no longer ignore these criticisms I am hearing and I cant refute them... When questions began to reach me at first I was quite offended. However, in attempting to answer, I began to sense that something was not right about the NASV... The deletions are absolutely frightening... there are so many... Are we so naive that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of this? ...I dont want anything to do with it... the finest leaders that we have today...havent gone into it, just as I hadnt gone into it... Thats how easily one can be deceived... You can say the Authorized [King James] Version is absolutely correct... If you [must] stand against everyone else, stand. As a member of the editorial committee in the production of the ‘Amplified New Testament’, we honestly and conscientiously felt it was a mark of intelligence to follow Westcott and Hort. Now, what you have in these books [Which Bible? & True or False by Dr. D.O. Fuller] strikes terror to my heart. It proves, alarmingly, that being conscientiously wrong is a most dangerous state of being. God help us to be more cautious, lest we fall into the snares of the arch deceiver. Gail Riplinger, MA, BA, MFA : Years ago...young ladies...would come in to my office at the university ... And I noticed that those who were using the modern translations seemed to be unstable emotionally; depressed, anxious... And it made me...think perhaps thats why psychology has moved into the church... Dr. Gerardus Bouw, PhD : The first myth [ brought about by the corruption of Bible lexicons, etc.] is that only the original autographs were inspired... Implicit in this view is the belief that God did not bother to preserve his words in pure form, though some say that the originals can be reconstructed by scholarship. Obviously it does not occur to them that without the original autographs to compare them to, there is no way to know whether or not the original has been restored... ...we see the worlds languages becoming less sophisticated in time, not more... Anyone who would take the trouble to find out just why the Authorized Bible used odd phraseology at times would soon be amazed at how much detail, explicitness, and fine structure the English language has lost in the last 400 years. There is no language in the world which is naturally or evolutionarily improving... the sentence structures and parts of speech are fast losing distinctiveness. ...I started a critical reading of the Bible, from cover to cover, searching for inconsistencies and any contradictions between an infinite God and the God of the Bible. Fortunately, God was watching out for me in that the only Bible I owned was an Authorized Version, the only English Bible free of such contradictions. Any other version and I would have been left with no alternative but agnosticism. ...the only absolutely trustworthy information about the origin and purpose of all that exists and happens is given by his infallible, preserved word, the Holy Bible, commonly called the King James Bible. Dr. Ken Matto : This is a serious issue and no Christian can take the corruption of Gods word lightly. The modern versions are under girded with Gnostic corruptions in their manuscripts, corrupted as far back as the 2nd century. a major element in spiritual warfare and Christians can no longer stick their head in the sand... God cannot bless sin and He will not bless the use of any corrupted bible version. This is the reason that Christians are weak and confused in their Christian walk and why churches are weakened to the point of destruction. These versions are like a virus on a computer, it comes in stealthily and eventually affects the whole church... Dr. Peter Ruckman, ThM, PhD : The average Christian...can never get a clear picture of what goes on behind the closed doors in a Christian seminary or university in America... The educational goal is to destroy the belief in absolute authority coming from God and put, in its place, the relative authority of man, composed of the preferences and opinions of men who consider themselves fully equipped to be your guide instead of the Holy Bible itself... The fact that some of the professors are saved, while some are immaterial to the results of their scholarship; the results are... the nearly total destruction of Biblical Christianity in America... The crime rate doubles every other year, the divorce rate tripled in less than ten years... It isnt just pathetic, its a loony bin... The key to understanding the Bible, or the Author of it (God), is a believing heart and a humble mind... higher formal Christian education is probably the greatest hindrance to understanding the Bible of anything a young man could get involved in, outside of satanism and black magic... Greek is a dead language... The King James Bible has led at least 100 times more people to Christ than the original manuscripts ever did, and thats a masterpiece of understatement. Dr. Terry Watkins, ThD : For a work of its volume and serious subject matter - the poetic splendor defies human logic... The King James Bible is the words of God... If you have a King James Bible, you have the word of God! Dr. Jack Hyles: God is the Author of the King James Bible... The devil wants to get you away from the King James Bible and he doesnt care which way you go... All the other versions that...change the King James Bible are satanically inspired. Dr. Thomas Holland : [The KJV is] the greatest English translation the world has ever known... Sadly, of late it has fallen under attack... Many have used faulty forensic reasoning in order to discredit...the Authorized Version... ...some express a certain amount of disdain for the Authorized Version with meaningless objections. They do not like this or that reading and therefore seek to find a flaw in this literary masterpiece... the difference has more to do with the manner of how words or phrases are understood and not the correctness of the translation itself. The translators were great scholars... Gustavus S. Paine noted that the kings translators were not superb writers doing scholarly work, but were superb scholars doing superb writing. Judged by their other extant works...the writing of what would become the Authorized Version should have been far beyond their abilities. Yet, they were able to reach beyond themselves. (See 2 Timothy 3:16 !!! ) The KJV is not only a literary masterpiece; its representation of the original languages is phenomenal. It is not enough for a proper translation to correctly transmit the words from one language into another; it also must carry the sense of the original. Without question the Authorized Version has successfully accomplished this extremely difficult task. Professor Gerald Hammond of the University of Manchester, England, has correctly noted that the KJV translators have taken care to reproduce the syntactic details of the originals... often, the Authorized Version has the kind of transparency which makes it possible for the reader to see the original clearly. It lacks the narrow interpretative bias of modern versions, and is the stronger for it. Although its beauty has been compared to the writings of Shakespeare, it is vastly easier to read than Shakespeare, with equal influence upon our native tongue... The history and effect the KJV has had on our language not only speaks of its great literary value, but of the divine hand upon it... Dr. Edward Hills, ThD : In regard to Bible versions, many contemporary Christians are behaving like spoiled and rebellious children. They want a Bible version that pleases them, no matter whether it pleases God or not. We want a bible version in our own idiom, they clamor. We want a bible that talks to us in the same way in which we talk to our friends over the telephone. We want an informal God, no better educated than ourselves, with a limited vocabulary and a taste for modern slang.… But God is bigger than you are, dear friend, and the Bible version which you must use is not a matter for you to decide according to your whims and prejudices. It has already been decided for you by the workings of Gods special providence... Receive by faith the true text of Gods holy word, which has been preserved...and now is found in...the King James Version...
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:41:45 +0000

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