Its exciting, this living in the confidence and full trust of - TopicsExpress


Its exciting, this living in the confidence and full trust of God....Im not completely proficient yet, but Im closer than ever in my life. If you read any of my posts yesterday, you know the sale of the van fell through...after holding it for twice as long as I originally agreed to...but Thursday I had received a call from a man in Joplin, who had seen it on Craigslist and when I explained the, on hold situation, he even said to me, Tami, I think God would understand that you held it for this lady for two weeks and would release you to sell it... Those words moved my big ole heart of compassion to tears...I immediately thought, wow! This man REALLY needs it, but I gave my word. I didnt have to give it to begin with, but I did...and I am passionately resolved to keep my word when I give it! Ive always believed that God blesses and honors those who, even against all odds, honor what theyve given. I told this man, Larry, that the lady had not been faithful to stay in touch as she said she would, and I would call her for the second time myself to touch base, and let him know. The lady, Pat, said that her husband (who was her said reason for needing my van) had, just called her to say the check from their retirement fund arrived today. It sounded a bit too ironic, but she said shed be here Saturday. I proceeded to call the sweet man whod called back, but with my promise hed be the first on my list to call if she backed out. (read previous posts to catch up on all After the high maintenance, non cordial, insulting ( was an experience) lady and her brother (who I had to be assertive and nearly make him shake my hand in my driveway) left, I called Larry...who was almost giddy (do men get giddy? lol...idk) with excitement. He had been praying...and though, he said, he was sorry for my experience with the lady, he was happy I still had it, because he needed it. Meeting Larry and the sweet young couple that drove him to Springfield, where Nafe and I met them, was such a pleasure! All 3 of them were the happiest, Christian people....and we enjoyed visiting with them and showing them the ropes on the van...her quirks and all!) Larry, you see, is a single amputee, and has use of his hands, but his dexterity is limited. He lives in a Christian retirement community, and misses his independence of going whenever he wants, instead of counting on the couple with him, and others for rides to church and appointments. Larry seemed as jubilant as I was, when I first drove our miracle van...his face told the story, as it was lit up like the fourth of July! In fact we may have made a friend for life! I couldve been paralyzed by fear, anger, and anxiety by the non-sale...because Nafe and I have been blessed to be driving our new to us vehicle for over a week by a Christian (mostly Pastors) owned and operated car lot, and I had given my word also to them...that as soon as the lady, whom had given her word arrived and took the van, Id bring the money straight to them. I was suddenly faced with a dilemma...I gave my word after speaking to her Thursday, that I would have $8,000 to the lot for my car by Saturday afternoon (if she arrived soon enough) or Monday morning. I wont say I didnt have a solitary moment of frustration regarding the situation, but I will say that frustration was quickly met and rivaled by faith! God has been doing the miraculous for us, and I knew He had this too! And, Ill say, that the ladys story changed when she said shed pass to the van being for starting a business rather than for a husband. Regardless of what her intentions were, GODS intentions were clear! Larry, was meant to find new independence in what would now become HIS miracle van! And I couldnt be more grateful, and happier with that! Lesson learned: be willing to put your own plans, your own understanding and ideas aside....because GODS are ALWAYS soooo much sweeter!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:12:50 +0000

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