Its finally Halloween, so Im going to tell a story most people - TopicsExpress


Its finally Halloween, so Im going to tell a story most people probably wont believe but Im going to tell it anyway because it did actually happen. On Sundays, Im the only one at the animal hospital I work at because were closed Sundays. Mostly I just come in, take care of the animals, and leave. A couple of weeks ago we had a very busy weekend, and there were 20+ dogs boarding in our kennels, so it was incredibly noisy. None of them would stop barking. Well, it just so happens that the day before I had just finished creating my Halloween playlist on my ipod, so I was playing through it for the first time. Mostly fun stuff like the theme to Ghostbusters, Erock metal covers, and a buttload of Danny Elfman. Me being me though, thinking it somehow funny, decided to put the theme to Lavender Town from Pokemon Red and Blue at the end of the playlist. YEAH, REAL FUNNY. HA-HA-HA-HA Quick explanation for those that dont know. Lavender Town, to this day, years and dozens of games later, is the only town in the Pokemon universe with a Pokemon graveyard. Its such a tiny town and the graves take up so much room its a more apt description to call it a mass animal grave with a few people living there. Its pretty twisted for a kids game, actually, which is why the town and the music are famous online for being the inspiration for many twisted horror stories and creepypastas. I was in the main kennel area when the playlist reached the Lavender town theme. At that exact moment, instantaneously and inexplicably, every, single, dog, in the kennel stopped barking, and stared right at me. After picking my heart up off the floor I just shouted at the dogs Oh, you guys are ASSHOLES! But did I stop playing the music? No, because Im a glutton for punishment. Not long after that, before the music ended, we had a (temporary) black out. SO HELP ME GOD WE HAD A BLACK OUT. Were a hospital; total blackouts arent exactly common for us, and remember, *still the only person in the entire hospital.* I was still in the kennel and it was absolutely pitch black, for a second, and completely silent except for the Lavender town music playing on my headphones. I say for a second, because my headphones are wireless. Every few seconds a little RED light on them blinks to indicate theyre connected to my ipod. So in other words, every few seconds, the pitch black kennel flooded with a dim red light, barely illuminating the room and the glare of the dogs eyes, WHILE THE MUSIC KEPT PLAYING. This video is a re-creation of what I experienced. The blackout was only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. And see that big white thing in the middle of the kennel? Thats our deep freeze. You know, where we keep the dead animals.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:16:02 +0000

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