Its finally over,just a few things left here to do,sum one once - TopicsExpress


Its finally over,just a few things left here to do,sum one once told me,absence makes the heart grow fonder,I guess u would know?U can also tell Stanette thank u for all the beautiful letters she wrote for u,Give Big Keith an applause,he finally got me out of his life,and u and Bestfriend l.keith can continue on being what u,and the only thing I have to see to him is,How does it make him feel to look down at a ring I thought he earned and deserved,I was wrong,he can keep it though I want him to,just always a reminder of how he loved his sister,and as for Travis,I never had nothing to say to him,hes Ratchet to,but I would like for my son to be set free from this mess,he doesnt deserve it,I have better plans of a future for him,in time,and maybe u should think of another hide out spot than beside my mothers house,neighbor,or was in the crawl spaces,no the addict,under my bed befor,I remember that,It was u,jumping the fence going to ur house and really not ur moms,looked good though,congradulations on ur new pregnancy with ur wife,and u told me u had a grand baby on the way,of course u did,Did she help u writer meant?I know my mother did?Thank u for all those days I thanked God for u,cause I really believed u was protecting me but u wasnt,u was protecting ur self.U dont have to run and hide and duck and dodge anymore,now ur free to be ur self and be with your family u always wanted and waited for,what hurts the most is I thought it was with me,I thought u was my heart,my everything.I was the one being an idiot waiting on u,for sum one who knew it wasnt true.I have one question for u?How can u and her live with ur selves every single day and having to look me in my face?Ill never forget the sounds and notices u all made,It broke my heart and I believed it was Jessy James,Maybe he didnt want to see me hurt anymore either,but it hurt me more knowing the truth and people and so called family looking and smiling in my face every single day and calling me a liar and said I was crazy,Lol,no I was just sum one to blame everything on so they could continue to do their dirt,How does it make u feel knowing I sat in prison doing ur time to?I want u to know Sumthing,I dont regret nor would I ever take that time back cause it made me into the strong beautiful woman I am today,Thank u for having ur hand in that,but also u should know this to be true,All things work togeather for good of those who love the Lord who are called according to his purpose and u abused what God I trusted u with,all of u did,Not any more,its over,either u step down and take your wife and family and never come around me or mine or I will have u removed myself!I bet u hated it when u found out the truth of whom I really was huh?And guess what else u didnt kmow?Lol,My uncle Randy signed my petition and Theresa failed a big test,lied for u and betrayed her own organization of family,not Gud at all.I dont ever want nothing to ever do with u ever again.U know what I mean,I know everything and so does uncle Bob,And Im going above him if u dont leave.U have done enough to me.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 10:43:49 +0000

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