Its funny how people are so blatantly ignorant of the silent war - TopicsExpress


Its funny how people are so blatantly ignorant of the silent war we are losing to Muslims, every second they are drawing closer to their ultimate victory. You sit back and ride the wave of multiculturalism and call anybody who draws attention to what is really going on a racist, being too complacent to look behind yourselves and see the tsunami of Islam that is going to drown out Western culture in the very near future. They have literally forced Islam down our throats in this country in the form of Halal meat which most of us have likely eaten without even being aware of it because the supermarkets know that if they actually had the good grace to tell us how the meat was produced, then we wouldnt in a million years dream of eating it. Thats right, most of us have been deceived into eating meat that was produced by animals having their throats slit whilst being fully alive and conscious and dying in agony and shock. How about we force a bacon sandwich down their throats and see how they like it? Do you not even understand the implications of what can and will happen if we allow this to continue? Its not a place you would like to live. Imagine living in somewhere like Pakistan or Saudi Arabia where free speech is an alien concept and you can be murdered for being an unbeliever. If Sharia law is imposed on the UK, that is what our once-good country will end up like. They literally want to drag our civilized society back to the dark age, we might as well be living in Nazi Germany if Sharia is imposed upon us. Read up about Sharia law and you will understand the very REAL dangers that we face. Just because you live in a first world country doesnt mean you are invincible, and it doesnt mean that it couldnt happen. It can happen and it is happening. Countries in the Middle East could never hope to win against Britain/America in open war, but theyve already been winning a silent war against us. World War 3 has already started and we are losing it. There is a thing called Biological Jihad which is the process of them emigrating to all Western countries then having as many babies as possible, to the point where they become the majority then they simply vote themselves into power and impose Sharia law on the country and its citizens. Apparently Muslims are a minority in the UK and therefore they shouldnt be considered a threat. Well, Nazis were a minority at one point. People laughed at Adolf Hitler at first, people certainly arent laughing now. And since they first came here they have been growing exponentially. Furthermore, people say the Muslims are 5% here in the UK. I dont believe for one second that they are 5%, I think they are at least 20-40%, and considering the average Muslim family has 8 children per family whereas the average European non-muslim family has 1.3 children per family we will soon become the minority in our own country. In fact there was a book released called Muslim Mafia which has concrete evidence of America being destroyed from within by Muslim extremists who have already breached the highest levels of security and seek to impose Sharia on the country and destroy the constitution. There are five stages of their plan to overtake America and they are already in their third stage. If that doesnt frighten you, I dont know what will. Islam is about world conquest. It isnt just a religion, it is a fascist political ideology. I think it says a lot about the state of things when we arent even allowed ham in Subway restaurants in our own country but theyre allowed to practically force-feed us Halal meat. Hating an evil religion/political ideology which seeks to control and dominate this world doesnt make me a racist. I have nothing against Hindus or Sikhs who are also brown skinned. Islam is a religion, not a race. Learn about the scripture of Islam which justifies paedophilia, murder, wife-beating, subordination of women, and much more. A simple Google search and you could be informed instead of telling me how Ignorant I am despite the fact that I have already researched this thoroughly. The best thing anyone in this country can do is vote for the UKIP, or even the BNP but the UKIP actually has a winning chance of being voted in.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 12:47:42 +0000

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