Its funny how your brain, or maybe its just mine, seems to drift - TopicsExpress


Its funny how your brain, or maybe its just mine, seems to drift to the negatives at times. Instead of remembering the fun times at a recent holiday party, I found myself thinking of this rude little troll of a person who responded in an almost over the top comically rude way to the simplest questions. Similarly, its like how while walking through a store I was quite literally ignored by a person I called a friend. Quick check on social media and I see that she unfriended me… the reason was, because I didnt hang around with her enough. So, instead of calling or writing me to say a hello, or even to see if things were okay, she decided that it would be best to simply write off years of friendship and be rude to me. My brain drifted to the negative, wondering what I could do to reach out to her, wondering what I did wrong. It actually was spinning quite deeply in a worry about how I might have let someone down, and what it meant for how I interacted with friends. When out of the blue my phone rings, and its one of my oldest and dearest friends. Someone that I feel is more of a brother... We are chatting and I happened to mention how I was feeling sad, for which he laughs and reminds me that in our entire friendship we hadnt seen each other in nearly 4 years... And in truth, due to distances we havent really hung out in the same place more than a few dozen times. And that was all this deep felt friendship needed. So, this holiday season take a moment to reflect on your life and those you have in it. If you havent heard from a friend in a while, send them a note or text saying hello. They might be going through a part in life where they arent reaching out because of stress or depression. There are a million different scenarios why someone might have lost contact, and in almost every case a simple hi, was thinking of you will not only brighten their day, but it might make a significant difference to what they are struggling with. The truest friends are not the ones screaming for you to share the quantity of time, but the ones offering you the truest quality of their time. To all my friends this holiday season, I offer my love and good thoughts. I might not be as active in your life like Id prefer, but you still matter deeply to me and look forward to the next time our paths cross.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:33:41 +0000

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