Its good of Westminster to reassure us there will be ongoing - TopicsExpress


Its good of Westminster to reassure us there will be ongoing austerity measures across all areas of governance irrespective of who wins the general election. Tell me this though, when did acts of war become exempt from austerity? We end the week engaged in yet another conflict in Iraq. As we do so, its worth bearing in mind that every £1million tomohawk missilehead fired in an act of war is the equivalent to the annual bedroom tax on a combined 1,400 households. So weve no money to help our poor and needy but enough to fund a war? Or is it perhaps that the taxing of the poor and needy funds the war? The acts of the people of Westminster would shame even the devil himself. On another note, stop me if Im wrong but I make it 9 days and counting and still no new powers for Scotland. 9 days and counting without even so much as a timetable for discussion drafted in Westminster on these new powers for Scotland. These were discussions that (if some were to believed) were scheduled to take place the day after the referendum lest you forget. I wasnt alone in saying that the vow of new powers was empty rhetoric and was an insult to the Scottish electorate. According to figures released over this past week the vow was clearly enough to convince as much as 33% of eventual No voters to vote as they did. Thats up to 600,000 voters potentially swayed by an 11th hour vow of Devo-Max that looks about as useful to you just now as a chocolate fire guard. Empty promises, lies and deceit. Is that what tipped the balance of Scotlands future? Sadly the evidence builds and builds. In the week before the referendum the voices of Scottish Labour told us that the NHS was safe and secure if Scotland remained part of the union. They said it was free from the threats of privatisation. However at the Labour conference this week we heard the very same MPs stating that the NHSs resources and funds are under threat by the Tories due to their... (can you guess?)... acts of privatisation, reorganisation of NHS services and contracts with American trade partnerships! Talk about double standards! I voted YES last week because I firmly believed Scotland deserved better than this and I still do. My desire for change has not diminished in the event of the No vote and I will continue to campaign for the values and beliefs of the YES movement for the rest of my life. So long as Westminster continues to treat our country like the scab on its back I will continue to fight for what I feel is right and just for Scotland. Facebook inevitably has headed back to selfies, babies, tales of Jason Orange and the Ryder Cup although it was filled with a great political debate in the weeks leading up to the referendum. Our generation needs to stay engaged to ensure that Westminster is held accountable and to ensure that change comes. If the turnout last Thursday is anything to go by I hope thats something we can all agree on. End of rant. Now... back to the Ryder Cup.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:58:02 +0000

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