Its happening again, unrequested and unapproved friendships are - TopicsExpress


Its happening again, unrequested and unapproved friendships are erupting on my page. When this first started occurring a month or so ago, I allowed the unknown connections to remain. It was interesting to glimpse these unfamiliar postings. Ive maintained a few but have unfriended most of them either due to having to witness a tedious narcissism, a heavy handed praising of the lord or most provocative of all, a creeping paranoia that I was being baited into some social networks unholy alliance. It had eased up for awhile, but now... its back ! I really dont want to think about this stuff. A friend recently turned me on to this Black Mirror series, I honestly dont want to know. It feels like my seniority has just shifted into second gear and Im picking up speed. Just this morning I was thinking about what a train wreck my life has been, and how it amuses me, that I am generally still, such a happy guy. However, in idle mind it is my failures I recall, my selfishness, my acts of being a complete asshole, the damage Ive done not the success, the love or the accomplishments Ive experienced. This netflix series is a like a prescient haunting, just watching it has opened all these portals. Kind of like whats going on with these ghost driven friend requests. I have always taken pride in my psychic courage, I think it may be my most redeeming quality but then, Ive never had to deal with depression. I can get sad and lonely, but it doesnt last. My bane has always been at the other end of the spectrum, anxiety. I have a cure though, that Mel Brooks song.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:49:03 +0000

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