Its hard to believe 16 years ago I gave birth to my first child, a - TopicsExpress


Its hard to believe 16 years ago I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful 7 pound baby girl at home with the assistance of my mom Laurie Madigan Henry, dad and angels on earth Jan Janet Hardy Sheridan & Marie Clark. My water had actually broke on my due date (Sept. 29th) but I did not go into labor until the next morning at 4:30 am. At about 5:30, I called the midwife but she said because I was still able to talk normally through my contractions that I wasnt in real labor and to call her back when they were 5 minutes apart, lasting a minute long. At around 6:30 am, I went to the bathroom and the rest of my water broke and I hit transition. My mom called the midwife again (since she was coming from Simi Valley) and told her she better start heading over as my breathing was starting to change, I was starting to make moose calls as my dad calls them and my contractions were 5 minutes & less apart. We also decided to call Jan and Marie, they arrived around 7. At about 7:20 or so I was having urges to push, so Jan had no choice but to fill in as midwife! (side note- Jan is a Bradley birthing method teacher and doula and has attended hundreds of births but had never actually delivered a baby, so this was going to be a first for both of us!! haha) My mom videoed the whole thing, Marie assisted me by holding me up because I insisted on delivering her in the squat position - it was the only thing that felt natural and helped with the gravity and pressure and my dad just helped with whatever he could! lol At 7:32 am, I gave the biggest push of my life and out came Lauren!! It was the most surreal moment I have ever experienced. I then sat down with my baby girl (still attached by the umbilical cord) in my arms and waited for the midwife to arrive - we had no birthing kit. The midwife finally arrived 15 minutes later and was shocked! A first time mother, 20 years old giving birth in just 3 hours was not something she was used to or expected!! And that my friends, was the start of my extremely fast and intense labors & births!! haha Lauren has been such a bright light in my life! She ultimately saved me from the self destructive path I was on and I am indebted to her. Her smile is beautiful and infectious. She got my sense of humor ;-) and silliness! Lauren, I know at times it seems I am overly hard on you but it is because I love you soooo much and want only the best for you! I am so proud of the amazing young woman you have and continue to become and I look forward with such joy to what God has in store for your life! I will always support you and be behind you 100 percent! I love you sweetie, happy 16th birthday to you!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:14:13 +0000

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