Its hard to know the one you Love doesnt love you back anymore. It - TopicsExpress


Its hard to know the one you Love doesnt love you back anymore. It always hits like a ton of bricks. One minute youre life revolves around them. Every action you make, you make it in favor of you and that special one... Simply because they told you they Loved you back, and that you were the one they wanted to marry. The idea of us entrances you and suddenly your craving of their attention and love, is you sole obsession. As each day passes you think the bond between you and that special person is growing, strengthening, becoming unbreakable. You see how obstacles and hardships in life make you two, in your eyes, closer and more reliable upon each other. Things go great. She/he is going to be your life partner; your soul mate if you will... Or so you think, hoping and praying everyday, religiously that youre correct. Then reality crashes in. Major changes start to complicate things. Things like college, work, a change of atmosphere. As they make new friends, old ones are tossed aside. Communications slows between you two, even though you try... They are always just to busy to talk. Soon your attempts becoming annoying... And them not seeing you in weeks beings to change their attitude towards you. You become just another person, who seems to just pester them. It kills you inside because you realize their love for you... Is gone. They cut off communication entirely... Partly because while they were ignoring you, theyve met someone new. Someone fun, and different. Someone to better them. It cuts like a knife. You dont know what to do. You are an emotional wreck. Everything seems colorless; as if life is pointless without them. It ends between the two of you officially. You hate God for a few hours, cursing him, swearing he doesnt love you... Other wise why would he do this to you, right? That is, until you come to your senses. You apologize to God. You try and pull yourself together. You go out and pretend to have the time of your life. You post Facebook statuses, Instagram pictures, snapchat stories, tweets, anything and every thing you think they will see to make them possibly think about you again for at least a second... Hoping you might still be in their mind. You see them open the snapchat stories, and hope they respond, even if they just cuss you out... But of course they dont. It starts to become clear. You no longer matter to them. Spending time with friends, working, and random little adventures take your mind off of them for a while, but only returns the thoughts of that one special person later. You finally just sit down one night... You stare at the walls where little posters hang that theyve made you. For some reason you start to laugh. Looking at your prom picture with them standing there... God they look gorgeous, dont they? You then say it. I Love You, as if they were in the room with you. Every word you just spoke was the truth. I wouldnt trade one second of our memories, for a thousand without you. Sitting there in the dem light you smile, I guess this is the way God has planned it. I will never forget you. Maybe we will reunite one day.... When we are both older and wiser I guess. You smirk and say, just kids... Just kids who dont know what they want. So we decide to put you in the backseat. You decide to live life with a clear mind. Thankyou God. She/he was a wonderful 1 1/2 years. Life goes on, you meet people, you laugh again, you find happiness again, and you have Funn again. But if anyone asks, Do you miss her/him? You dont lie. But it doesnt hurt anymore. Simply because... You know shes happy, and if shes happy... So are you. Yes you will always love her, but you understand now. Life is a game, everyone must play... And if your lucky, youll experience something truly rare. True love. Do you still love her? They ask. The answer? The honest one? Yes. But Im okay with that.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:35:49 +0000

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