Its interesting how many times the Bible asks the question: How - TopicsExpress


Its interesting how many times the Bible asks the question: How does one know if one remains in Christ? In other words, how does a person know they are saved. The Bible asks this question several time. It must be that God wants His people to consider this point and more importantly consider the answer to confirm ones salvation on a regular basis. This is a good question. The Bible says that one must love God and love ones neighbor. Then the Bible revealed that love is the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah for the purpose of His death to forgive sins by the grace of God. Knowing this, it is important to confirm ones salvation on a regular basis in order to ensure one is able and focused on loving in the manner that God loves - revealing the identity of His Son through conduct in selfless sacrifice. In 1 John 4:13-19 the apostle John writes, How do we know we remain in Him and He in us? Again, if the command to love is given, and God is love, one must confirm that one possesses God in order to love as God. How do we know? 1 John 4:13-19 explains that the Holy Spirit is ones confirmation of ones salvation. Now back in the Gospel of John, Jesus explained before He died that the Holy Spirit has a specific job - to testify of the Son. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a comforter, counselor, and helper of sorts, but He accomplishes this work by convicting the world of sin, righteousness and of judgment - all centered around the work and identity of Jesus Christ. Thus, the comfort that the Holy Spirit provides is in the understanding of who Jesus is and what He does. The counsel that the Holy Spirit provides is centered on the identity of Jesus Christ and the work that He does. The help that the Holy Spirit provides is in the understanding of the scriptures in order to know who Jesus Christ is and what He does. It may seem myopic in focus, but again, if love is centered around the identity and purpose of Christ, it would make sense for God to provide His Spirit in order to ensure His children know and understand who Jesus is according to the scriptures, and then are able to do the Word once understanding is achieved. The result of all this will be love. The Holy Spirit teaches Gods children who Jesus is, and as we learn, we do. The action of doing what Jesus did by the leadership and ability of Gods Spirit is love. So then, the proof of ones salvation comes in layers. The Bible explains that proof in ones salvation is rooted in the possession of the Holy Spirit. How does one know one has the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit testifies about Christ and who He is, allowing one to believe, know, and eventually understand and do. Thus, ones faith in the scriptures is a testament of one possessing the Holy Spirit. One doesnt necessarily always know all of the Word, and most certainly doesnt always understand all thats in the Word, but if one most certainly believes, that is evidence of the Holy Spirit. Over time, this faith will allow the Spirit to bring maturity through knowledge and understanding, but ones faith in the claims of the Bible regarding Jesus identity as the Son of God and Messiah is evidence of the Holy Spirit. Lastly, ones fruit in love is evidence of the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus, and Jesus is God in the flesh, and God is love, then the Holy Spirit explains and helps believers love by facilitating godly conduct as Christ. Those who live in the manner that Jesus lived for the glory of God as Jesus did, are in fact revealing Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah through their own lives. This is only accomplished by the Holy Spirit, and so if one possesses Gods Spirit, one possesses God; and since God is love, one possesses love and is able to love (reveal Christ in their lives). 1 John 4:13-19 explains that love is perfected in this way so that believers can live confidently that the judgment and wrath of God will not come upon those who possesses His Spirit by living in the manner of His Son for the glory of the Father. The world fears death because the world ultimately knows and senses that judgment is very real. There is at least a little concern for eternal condemnation in hell in the heart of every non-believer. Hence, there is fear of death and circumstances that threaten with death. For the Christian, it is much different. The early apostles of Jesus Christ are terrific examples of this truth as they willing accepted and embraced death and the suffering that came with it on account of Gods glory. They did not fear judgment because they possessed the Spirit of God, and by extension, possessed the love of God. Love and fear do not mesh so that those who have the Spirit and love of God, have nothing to fear. 1 John 4:13-17 states that perfect love (ones connection to God through faith that allows one to possess the Spirit of God), casts out all fear. There should be no circumstance that causes fear since the believer possesses the Spirit of God and the love of God. If one possesses the Spirit of God, then one must listen to the Holy Spirit that reminds us that though Jesus died, He lives forever more. If death could not overtake Him, then what can? If one possesses the Spirit of God, then one is not just equipped to love in the physical world by revealing the nature of Jesus through ones life, but is also equipped to live eternally as Jesus. As Paul wrote, If God be for us, who is against us? Fear involves punishment, but those who believe in the identity of Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah, possess the Spirit of God and will receive Gods inheritance in blessings, not punishment. How much more incentive then should one need to love as God loves? If one possesses the Spirit of God in faith and is truly saved, then ones identity should be the same as Jesus - to live selflessly according to the will of the Father leading others to salvation through faith in Christ by the power of His Spirit because God is love. God bless yall! --Bside--
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:31:23 +0000

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