Its interesting how you can hear people project their inner voices - TopicsExpress


Its interesting how you can hear people project their inner voices when they talk to you, through their actions or posts on Facebook.. Sometimes its just a passing comment spoken, a quirky habit performed everyday or through a status update or page shared. You can see different personalities and nuances and its great to see some people truly shine whilst others seem to have this unresolved inner battle going on but its understandable and weve all been there before but some of us are plagued by this affliction when there seemingly is a solution to it all but for the most parts the best lessons learnt are those that are learnt by oneself but is it really necessary to let the battle become a war? Im not sure of the origins but Mum posted something on her wall yesterday that is touted as an old Native American Indian proverb: An old man told his grandson, There is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil, it is anger, jealousy, greed and resentment, inferiority, lies and ego and the other wolf is good, it is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth. The boy asked, Which wolf wins? And the old man quietly replied, The one you feed. Youre own inner voice is the most important voice youll ever listen to or hear. If you surround yourself with negative thoughts this will become a negative voice inside of you and you will see your own self fulfilling prophecies come true but if you have a positive outlook and optimism, then your voice will be a positive one and youll achieve amazing feats and great success. Lifes a roller coaster at times but it should be an incredibly phenomenal ride. There are always ups and downs, forks and turns in the road but thats life, embrace it and all the challenges that arise. The fact that life is so short is what makes it so amazing and so precious. If it was doubly or triply as long would it maintain how special it is or would it diminish? I suppose its all relative and its hard to say but a rose by any other name.. Its also important to remember how important that inner voice is and to be self aware of your state of mind and how its your perception that has all the influence and power and not to be a victim of your own environment or circumstance. They say its hard to know what its really like unless youve walked a mile in that persons shoes but your mind is your own playing field and one which you have the ability to change your perception and carve your own reality. For within your own mind, you are truly omnipotent and can do absolutely anything and to recognise this is extremely empowering. Translation to the real world is another matter altogether but once you have inner peace the application of that positivity will be instinctive and will carry with you throughout your life as an immense foundation and launchpad for what you search and yearn for and fulfilling dreams and desires whether it be financially, physically, intellectually, spiritually or in love. Mind, body, heart, soul and spirit. Yet its invaluable to also be mindful that some pursuits are a dead end road and that a quest for inner peace founded in an environment of positive attitudes and individual spirituality will foster eternal happiness as you harness that inner voice. I have always said that its a waste of energy to dwell with negative thoughts and to feed the negative inner voice and demon but I understand that people deal with things differently and rightly so. Although just like the Little Train That Could saying I know I can, I know I can! A mantra, a motto or those motivational can make all the difference to overcome those inner demons and become a positivity juggernaut and truly shine but instead some are confuzzled (I know that s not in the dictionary yet) by a negative mantra. I cant quite remember if it was Dont Worry Be Happy with Michael Moseley or Redesign My Brain hosted by Todd Sampson either of which has some interesting notions regardless regarding brain plasticity. Perhaps I need to go on a program to improve my memory. lol! Anywayyy.. I watched both of them a Qantas flight back from Singapore and on one of them here was a study which tested a group by presenting them with a grid of 9 (or 16 I cant remember.. Definitely need some Brahmi or to get on that Mega Memory program but lets say 9 for this purpose) pictures of peoples faces. There were two different sets of peoples facial expressions and the 9 pictures would be similar in that there were either of people smiling or frowning, all except for one picture which was the opposite of the other 8 pictures. That is in one grid the 8 people were frowning and the odd one out was the one picture of a person smiling. The two groups were asked prior as to whether they would consider themselves to be optimists or pessimists. The results interestingly pointed out that optimists were slower than the pessimists to pick out the frowning face in the midst of smiling faces but faster than the pessimists to pick out the smiling face amongst a grid of frowning faces. Most interestingly is the pessimists could train themselves to search for the positive faces to improve their speed and score and over the course of time they could mould their mind and that they reported and increase in optimistic thoughts. Such was the effectiveness of this technique, that this method is now being employed by some circles of psychology as a part of a strategy for battling depression. The brain is an absolutely remarkable work of art and nature and its incredibly plastic (not in that its made from plastic like some might suggest mine is at times) and that its like putty. Ductile, malleable and adaptable and able to be formed into a myriad of configurations. Many might think that we are hard wired to perceive, behave and feel in certain ways and this is true to an extent but we can change how our brain functions through training, just as a person that suffers brain damage and loses a certain function of the or even at times physically loses a part of the brain, our own brain can reconfigure neural pathways and make new connections and quite often can manage to regain most, if not all of its previous operation. There are similarities in that certain environmental changes can impact the activation and triggering of certain genes but in our own mind we are have immense control over our own environment, just as we do when we dream lucidly but thats another story but along with keeping fit physically, you can train your brain to have a fitness of its own and know you can even influence your brain chemistry just as you can your body chemistry and mechanism. Ill be the first one to tell you Im not perfect and am on a eternal journey of my own and at the end of the day there are some things in this post that Ive mentioned that is what works for me. For example my mantra is a famous quote: I believe, therefore I am!. These tools may not work for everyone and obviously not everyone has the same dreams and ideals of their own realities but if you arent happy or content, there are certain processes and activities you can do to immensely impact and initiate changes in your own reality and when practiced enough itll become second nature and for me it was an epiphany when I transcended from conceptualising and thinking intensively about things, to a point where it became second nature, instinctive and apparent that I was living in the moment of a reality Ive created for myself. A point where I no longer have to think in most situations as its now felt, rather that thought of, to go with my heart or gut instinct as it were and that which anyone can achieve with only the power of your own mind and by growing your spirit. Sometimes its evident in peoples actions and behaviours that theyre dying for change but in knowing that are you really personifying this desire for change? Are you proactively living and nurturing this impetus with a positive inner voice or is it all in vain because you are constantly self deprecating and sabotaging yourself with your inner voice which has become your own enemy? Which wolf are you feeding? Which wolf will win?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:03:45 +0000

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