Its interesting telling people I meet that my name is Michael - TopicsExpress


Its interesting telling people I meet that my name is Michael Brown. The looks of sadness and reflection on the faces of men and women I meet. The brief pause at the security desk this morning by the black woman who signed me in, who may have a child of the same age as the other Michael Brown. Ive been able to compartmentalize my feelings on the inequity our society bestows a black Michael Brown and a white Michael Brown. I have never - not once - been harassed or followed in a retail establishment on suspicion of theft, even though I often dress in sweats and a baseball cap when shopping. I have never been pulled over by the police for driving in the wrong neighborhood. I am afforded courtesy most places I go. Im never asked where my people are from. And, most importantly, I have never had a problem with the police. Ever. Including several times when I probably deserved some more brutish treatment. Now that I live in a city where the majority of residents are black, I see even more clearly the subtle and powerful ways people are judged minute to minute in the world. I see the stink eye the liquor store owner gives the black guy who walks in and how he smiles smiles and nods when he sees me. Im sick to my stomach over the recent injustices that have allowed those who have caused the death of black men to walk free. Im not a jury and I do not claim to know the guilt or innocence of anyone, but when a jury isnt allowed to even sit to judge these cases, how is justice served? This Michael Brown says Enough!!! This Michael Brown wants people to be judged on their merits and their character. This Michael Brown wants those who dont understand how systemic oppression works to learn, and quickly. Until then, this Michael Brown is sad.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:53:23 +0000

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