Its interesting to hear the debate on both sides for and against - TopicsExpress


Its interesting to hear the debate on both sides for and against the Charlie Hebdo. Freedom of speech is what it should be freedom of speech, and someone is an idiot then let be so. I cannot buy well they pushed the Muslim community so they had it sort of coming them argument, that is a backhanded way of saying what happened is cool, but you dont have the balls to say it. Just as much as it is wrong not to acknowledge that some of the stuff printed was outrageous. Yet, as much as it wouldnt be something I would purchase I think its something that they had the right to do. In fact I think the only response to their cartoons would be cartoons firing back as to how hypocritical the West is. Yet that might get you on the no fly list. If we set aside the freedom of speech emotional and other triggers and think, from what we are told is that these two young men went to Yemen to train and learn to fight. So they went back to France with that knowledge to do what? Kill cartoonists. It would be comical if it werent tragic. The logic is so flawed that anyone accepting the narrative needs to stop and think. Too many Americans that at most have only traveled on a two week vacation to Europe only have a glimpse of what it is. Living here is different. There is a habit by many outside of the old country to see the picture of Muslims angry about cartoons and think they shouldnt have done that. Its deeper than that. What is really at heart was two disenfranchised lost young men, who growing up in the poorer areas of France felt out of place and grew up angry. Angry young men are putty for manipulative people. Lets not forget Brevik the Norwegian psychological path that killed about 75 people also religiously driven, by his version of Christianity. Many immigrant youths and first generation feel stuck and some end up like these two falling in the net of extremism, and following the ideas of old men. In many parts of Europe they have not done a very good job of trying integrate its immigrants. During the riots a few years back in Paris Mosques were vandalised, by who? Young Muslim men. There is a frustration there that Europe needs to address or we risk seeing more of what happened last week. To tie the idea that Abu Graib or the torture had anything with the killing of these cartoonist is absurd and two dimensional, because the more obvious things missed are the realities that are not being spoken about and that is as simple as acceptance. In the end its tragic what happened, all around. Thats my two cents.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:46:30 +0000

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