Its ironic that individuals are so worried that socialism ruins - TopicsExpress


Its ironic that individuals are so worried that socialism ruins the capacity to have individualism. An easy example to demonstrate the irony is through analyzing the Red Scare. A common argument the government would use is that individuality was stripped from you under communism. However, at this same time, our government were creating suburbia. Where individuals were able to purchase their very own house... that was mass produced and looked identical to their neighbors - with an identical washer and dryer - in the exact same place as their neighbors hose. #PseudoIndividuality is real. And #Capitalism breeds the false reality that we have individuality and freedom. It ironically breeds conformity and obedience as well as acceptance of what the elite and ruling class creates as trendy, cool, or in style by pushing it through the culture industry. #KillCap
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 22:12:08 +0000

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