Its just a matter of time that seperates me from accomplishing my - TopicsExpress


Its just a matter of time that seperates me from accomplishing my dreams. Sleep is a commodity in which I cannot afford, time is too valuable. While you play video games, party, drink, smoke, hangout, work, eat, sleep, and do whatever you do with your life.. I push myself endlessly to develop, learn, and progress in any aspect possible. There are so many places in the world Im looking forward to travel, people Id love to meet, books I need to read, things I want to experience, goals I want to achieve.. Ive learn to cut out the things in my life that arent getting me to where I want to be. I want to LIVE and put a dent into this universe, not just survive, go to school, work a job, raise a family, and then die with 50 people at my funeral... It starts with mindset. If your not willing to risk it all, you dont want it bad enough. Why are you partying and celebrating on the weekend? That your parents are still working and not retired.. Are you satisfied with your job and content with life the way it is? If your why isnt stronger than your laziness than you will probably never succeed. There will never be a right time or a perfect opportunity, we MAKE the right time and the perfect opportunity. To me, success looks alot like hardwork. 1% of this nation owns 97% of the wealth.. If you want to get good at basketball, study Lebron James, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, If you want to get good at making alot of money, study Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Robert Kiyosaki, if you want to get really good at golf and cheating on your wife watch Tiger Woods... You dont know what you dont know, and people dont care what you know until they know that you care, food for thought. Be the best you can be and do the most your able to, you are here for a reason, its not to build other peoples dreams but to live yours. Whats your passion? #TheDreamIsFree
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:53:45 +0000

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