Its just not the brooks report that must be made public. The - TopicsExpress


Its just not the brooks report that must be made public. The indian public needs to know tbe entire information India has, every correspondence between china and india, complete set of historical documents inherited from British, all the maps, true and false made by british and apparently stated to have been removed or hidden from public libraries and museums etc, everything must be made is only knowing the full truth about our past history and documents we can make up our national stand and view, understand the truth seek honourably what is due us and concede what is due to China or mutually agree to practical solutions keeping history aside for mutual benefit. Otherwise chauvinism and chuvanists that fostered and foisted enmity and war between two similar and friendly nations will win again bringing death, pain and disaster to millions of innocent indians. There are very few foolish countries that have put everything in the closet for so long, fooling their own people, preventing national debate and mutually beneficial solutions with neighbours. The beauracrats and defence bosses can not be trusted by any natuon on such matters of great national importance. Even among simple folks friendship, warmth, mutual adjustment, assistance and benefits lead to great wealth, savings and happiness. How much good and of what great magnitude will be the good and benefit to a country like India? We will save billions. But the billions saved by India will be billions lost to Russia, USA, France, Britain and others defence suppliers of india. It is these villains who have a direct and open vested interest in keeping two natural and old time friends for thousands of years brought to enmity and war. India has been under the influence of CIA, British intelligence fkr two long. Even a man that later became a prime minister was under the payroll of CIA, 5k us dollars per month during indias china many insiders from CIA, British intelligence, KGB, many usa presidents, other leaders across the world in important positions have written about the relations between india and China. These countries including China have made many documents public as per the more transparent laws they have for making public of government records after a certain period. And we have the documents made public by asange n Snowden etc.all these go to show that the beauracrats, the defence personal and politicians have acted for extraneous reasons, exercised prejudices, did not believe in established principles of international law, hidden facts from indian people and were hand held by CIA etc. The modern world order dictates a more transparent thinking and functioning of people and governaments.south America, Europe, asean artc are great examples of shelving old time history if wars and squabbles for thousands of years and living in harmony and amity to great mutual benefit and prosperity. The major loosers if India, China, Pakistan, Nepal, srilanka etc become friendly nations, without border n other issues, integrate their economies, shelve dealing in dollar, shelve billions of imported defence purchasers from these world military industrial mafia, are the countries which are doing these exports. So it is time for the true patriots in India to work for national interests of India, settle all border issues in an amicable way of give and take based on mutual benefit, mutual honour, mutual respect and so on. The sooner we think and act real patriotic and rhetoric sham patriotic, the better for India and its people.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 08:46:01 +0000

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