Its just weird what’s happening. It really is an information - TopicsExpress


Its just weird what’s happening. It really is an information war. Daily I go to certain truther Youtube channels that I’ve come to find interesting who seem to be exposing the truth behind the lies. A couple of them in particular have been dealing with the Sandy Hook event calling it a hoax. They haven’t let it go though, and have continued to piece together all the unanswered questions, the lack of evidence, contradictions in the official narrative. A whole group of truther’s got together recently and, as a collective made a video all about Sandy Hook called ‘’We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook’’. Well, when I was watching this video...halfway through it got taken down!! So I scoured the Youtube channels of those people I knew who had created it and they told me where they’d uploaded it anew. It was getting so many views and so well made that as one of the filmmakers suggested, if they can bring this event into question, it calls to question ll kinds of so called terrorist or random shooting events which have a hidden agenda, may have been hoaxes with a hidden agenda. The film was re-uploaded again and you may still be able to see it if you google search ‘We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook’ ...but ‘they’’ the powers that be keep trying to take it down. Then, another strange thing. One of the truther voices (Dahboo77 is his Youtube channel..) who ordinarily posts everyday and was covering the Ferguson riots. Suddenly disappeared! Now maybe he’s just taken a break, but he never announced he was going to. Has he been arrested at the riots as he was shooting film? Who knows. So I’m keeping an eye out for him and wondering when he’s going to return, when today, ‘freeradiorevolution’ Youtube channel, this really powerful voice of exposing the false flag events and one of the creators of the film ‘’We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook’’ had his Youtube channel deleted altogether. I think it had something to do with his suggesting this random terrorist in Sydney with the hostages was some kind of false flag event. When I read that I thought... ah well, I think that one was genuine. Then, just now, I find on another truther page that a year ago in the exact place where the Lindt cafe is they had a terrorist drill in that precise location. Which, when you think that every event which has been purported to be a ‘false flag’ from 9/11 to the London 7/7 bombings to the linked school to Sandy Hook in local area which was carrying out a drill on that school the same morning.. they all had these drills mirroring the exact sane or similar events happening either at the same time they were happening or some time prior to the events. Well there is something weird going on. I don’t think all such events are hoaxes, but some are and if you think about it, if some are... the majority are.. and we need to start taking this on board and asking for investigations and accountability. This battle to get truth out though... all the wealth of information out there about the Illuminati and mind control and all that’s really been going on, is here now...but for how much longer. People need to educate themselves whilst there is still time. What am I saying. There is no time. Doesn’t matter even if you know as so few are going vegan, so few really honestly care... we’re doomed anyway. Out of pure curiosity though, if you do want to know more about what’s going on I’d start investigating truther sites now, whilst they still exist. Here are some interesting sites which often refer to in or interview other truthers in their show and so watching any of these will lead you down the proverbial rabbit hole of truth sites. Press Reset Earth Youtube https://youtube/user/PressResetEarth Redpillrevolution Youtube https://youtube/user/RedPillR3volution Freeradiorevolution Ultimate Youtube https://youtube/channel/UC9vrYkPaH1D60jr4jwGDIlg https://youtube/channel/UC9vrYkPaH1D60jr4jwGDIlg Micheal Tsarion - Unslaved Films https://youtube/user/UnslavedFilms Mark Passio https://youtube/user/WhatOnEarth93 vigilantcitizen
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:03:59 +0000

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