Its kinda bad when your whole community rises up to point out the - TopicsExpress


Its kinda bad when your whole community rises up to point out the fact that youre lying, you know youre lying, and everyone else knows youre lying, too. Tillis uses some mighty fuzzy math to come up with the statement that he and McCrony fought for and won a half billion dollars for schools. First, neither had to fight for anything. The Republicans control the General Assembly and the governors mansion. They ram through any wild, weird, Koch-originated, teabilly legislation they want to. Second, they slashed the school budget past the bone and into the marrow. In one GA session we went from being in the top 10 for education to 46th. We barely did better than Mississippi who ranks dead last. NC is haemorrhaging qualified teachers. Texas and several other states came in, held job fairs, offered better salaries and moving packages, and were quite successful at raiding our already-suffering pool. The GA grudingly added back much of the money they cut, but the original level has yet to be restored. So, Judy, were sorry but you have to repeat a grade. You failed the finals.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:19:03 +0000

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