Its known of dictators making the people they rule very busy with - TopicsExpress


Its known of dictators making the people they rule very busy with other things so as to prevent them from thinking of their move to autocratic kleptocracies. Historically dictators are well known to coin terms and philosophies that augment the populace together for easy rule. So when Museveni says only God can disrupt Uganda we believe him since he is the father of the nation who has restored it from near collapse to stability, we surely cannot question that Rwanda is peaceful and why not sing Kagameism done through perfect pacification. How did San Abacha manage a Nigeria that otherwise could rage and form or who the heck can unearth the ingenuity of Mr. Hosni Mubarack, Mr. Saddam Hussein and Col. Muammar Gadaffi, lest we forget how Omar Bongo, Dennis Sassou Ngueso, Daniel Arap Moi and the rest managed to drive their countries into perfect kleptocracies. We do not need to go into the dictators of yesterday or else we will remember Mobutuism, Aminism, Bozizeism etc that were rules without any trace of rule of law. From Musorini to Franco to Hitler the narrative remains for those who can see. In fact in Nazi Germany it took more than a decade to notice Hitlers ambitions, he moved his country to utmost autocracy through a slow but sure pace in a manner that was so subtle and slow to the extent that it required very very high index of suspicion to be noticed, no need to say that masses would not notice how the mighty Germany degenerated into a perfect dictatorship way after European renaissance and enlightenment. We are in Kenya but unable to learn. Just as we sang nyayo to our destruction, we again will coin words, phrases, slogans and philosophies that will ultimately see us to a political graveyard. Surely if I were Kenyan I would reject phrases such as accept and move on, huu sio wakati wa siasa ni wakati wa kazi, do not politicize security, we can sacrifice some freedoms for the sake of our security etc etc. I wonder what other signs mortals called Kenyans want to see in order to discern how Kenya degenerates into autocracy. By the way have we ever seriously bothered to ask where we are moving on to or are we parroting it like we did nyayo and baba Mois KANU ni baba na mama? Or have we forgotten everything about nyayoism? But come on comrades I wish you a happy new year
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 07:44:48 +0000

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