Its laundry list time:East Timor: US actively provided military - TopicsExpress


Its laundry list time:East Timor: US actively provided military and economic aid to Indonesian forces that carried out genocide on the people of East Timor, along with mass rape and use of anti-ethical torture upon distended numbers of people.El Savador: US installed and deposed multiple dictators as they became more and less useful in United States affairs, creating a tendency of totalitarianism over decentralization due to the fact an autocrat has more control over the government reaction to the installment US military compounds, and is easier to incentivise, than the people living on the ground do.Guatemala: The famous banana republic. US backed insurgents overthrew a democratically elected government that took power away from a US-based fruit company that was exploiting its workers, leaving them with very little pay and in very bad working conditions. I feel like I should mention that these three examples come from one video, that I highly recommend watching the entirety of.Here is the final point of that video that touches specifically on Guatemala, which explains my position much better than I can here.Lets get into that ripening, and ever-renewing, taste of Middle Eastern conflict.Fallujah: US forces gun down peaceful protesters, their brothers at Blackwater get killed and desecrated by a population actively hostile towards the US military, because of all the murder and stuff, and then are systematically attacked by US forces.Highway of Death: When US forces and co. crudely demolished a retreating military force that was in the middle of withdrawing from a conflict, the people expecting to return to their normal lives. Every group that had a hand in the management of this withdrawal was calling it such at the time of the attacks, before and after, and the only people that say otherwise were shooting at brown people stuck in a military traffic jam that went on for miles.Mass Civilian Death in the ME: The US destroyed infrastructure in Pakistan that was critical in the distribution of drinking water. This lead to the deaths of at least 500,000 children.Dont forget drones, the flying machines of death that literally make people afraid of the sky. These devices have been in use for a while, and its known that the US actively skews the numbers of civilian deaths by being very flexible with the definition of militant (ie brown guy standing near a militant, read born in the Middle East and buying food from a market).Racism: The US actively discriminates against black populations, particularly in its stance on letting market forces rule the public space which has inevitably lead to the historically rich white people crowding out the disenfranchised colored populations on a whim.The continuous attack on the Middle East also falls under this in my view. If not a systemic policy, this is at least perpetuated on the ground by the people in uniform. Alongside the publics perpetuation of the ancient West-East split, I feel confident in saying that the cultural and ethnic differences play a part in this specific violence.AND MOREYou get the idea. I see no reason why the entire military structure should not be held responsible for these, and various other, atrocities.Specifically, I would like to know why people do not associate Obama with dead Pakistani children.On a completely unrelated note, how would you punish someone who accidentally killed a baby while shooting a gun?This is not an opinion dump, I am honestly looking for reasons not take an active stance against US policy.Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. Wed just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to read through our rules. If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes dont change views! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our popular topics wiki first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us. Happy CMVing!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:42:10 +0000

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