Its like all the speed and accessibility this technology has given - TopicsExpress


Its like all the speed and accessibility this technology has given us comes at a price. Things seem so much more disposable now. Not just things. Relationships. People. You meet someone using any one of the multiple methods that dont include being face to face, and you can pick them up and put them down with ease, because there are dozens of others. So many, they all begin to blend. Of course, you can be picked up and put down just as fast. Because, just like with you, there are also dozens of others. Maybe were all trapped in ice cream shops, stuffing ourselves on free samples but ordering nothing. Maybe were all just digital now and dont have to live in the real world. Maybe its just retweets and Facebook Likes and late nights and text fights and meme sound bites and pictures youre embarrassed you sent but at least you changed the filter and lit it right. We got to know each other, or at least I thought we did. You were the one whod been single your whole life, or fought an addiction. No wait, you were the one who had a kid. Its like everything is disposable now and theres no one to walk the canals with at dusk no secrets to peel away like petals of a flower no one to trust no one to hold that does not turn to dust if I made you feel disposable it wasnt true and dont think I dont mean it even though I wont remember you.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:03:46 +0000

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