Its no secret that Im not a sportsy-person. The only way I know - TopicsExpress


Its no secret that Im not a sportsy-person. The only way I know the difference between a home run and a field goal is because of the size/shape of the ball in play and whether they have helmets on or not. However, within the last couple months, I did finally learn what a Gurley was- Todd Gurley. Plays football for the University of Georgia, in some position that makes points happen and stuff, I dunno. I paid attention to a game on TV and even with my low fooseball IQ/interest, I could see that this kid is a MACHINE. Holy wow. In further paying attention since, it became apparent that not only is this guy a football rock star, but hes a good-looking, charismatic, straight-up person with a future ahead of him so huge that I dont even think he can fathom it. Todd Gurley has been suspended indefinitely pending an investigation for supposedly violating NCAA rules by selling autographed items to a sports memorabilia dealer. Now...If he did so, Im sure that Mr. Gurley is not the first to do so, nor will he be the last. I cant say I blame him for enjoying his 15 minutes and making a buck before he sells his soul to the NFL and lines everyone elses pockets with his name. In my humble, politics and sports are two of the most corrupt entities in the world. If you have enough money, you can make anything happen. Methinks that someone needed Todd sidelined a minute- not permanently with an unfortunate accidental injury on the field, but something enough to put him in a dark shadow long enough so they can manipulate his future to their advantage. If we look back on just the last 20 years of college and pro sports (not limited to football), there have been athletes suspended, fired, etc. from their sport because of drug use, racketeering, tax evasion, dog fighting, DUI accidents that killed someone, domestic violence, theft, rape, shootings, etc. Todd Gurleys alleged crime/violation was selling something that has been uniquely his since birth. His weapon was a Sharpie that inflicted no bodily injury or property damage to any living being. He should get a trophy for not falling into the trap of fame, foolishness and life-altering choices as fellow athletes before him have done. I can understand rules, but I also understand that they need to be applied to every player, at all times, and not just be enforced as deemed necessary. So Mr. Gurley, for what its worth- Im your huckleberry. I hope things pan out in your favor and you keep on doing your thing. Keep an eye out for me this weekend- Im going to bring you a pack of Sharpies and a pallet of Caprisuns. I want you to autograph each pouch, pass them out to folks trying to shut you down and tell them to SUCK ON THIS. #toddgurley #uga #gurleygirl #godawgs
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:57:11 +0000

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