Its not a good day when you spend a long period of time with your - TopicsExpress


Its not a good day when you spend a long period of time with your head inside an airplane toilet. I got food poisoning on my flight back from London last night and proceeded to puke up every little thing left in my stomach. Tapping helped ease the nausea but my body was determined to help me out and get whatever toxin I ate out of my system! I wish it was a nicer process! After landing (and doing my best not to vomit on the immigration officer) I got into a taxi cab only to realize I had lost my house keys. I just began to sob into my hands. I was so so so tired, dehydrated and just feeling defeated. This angel of a taxi driver gave me a pep talk. He drove me all the way to new jersey to pick up spare keys from a friend and didnt charge me on the ride home. He told me stories of his life in Pakistan and pointed out how peaceful the city feels after dark. He kept saying, Dont you worry, all is well. Youll be in your bed soon enough. Sometimes a really bad day can happen to show us just how much good there really is hidden in the world. Notice the kindness you experience in unexpected places and if you dont find kindness, be the kindness. Like he said as he was pulling away, When you help others, God helps you.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:58:45 +0000

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