Its not a question of when we should stand together but a - TopicsExpress


Its not a question of when we should stand together but a challenge to self-question how We ALL can STAY TOGETHER. There wouldnt be a circumstance of reuniting, if we never broke. The breaking begins when we isolate and accept the isolation of all people according to the hues of our casings. A week ago so many us were so ready to stand AGAINST youth after reviewing the knock out video. Now we are ready to stand against white for committing an act against our youth..... Will I be at the rally? Most Certainly. In support of all life, not just my own or for those who have skin appearance nearest mine. Not simply for those who I subjectively assign to have done wrong. I will pray for glue. That the adhesive that brings everyone this afternoon together will not wear off. I pray that we come and leave with open minds, universal hearts, and albatross arms of empathy to hug one another as we are so loved and blessed by our Higher Power, our Utmost Peace, the Zenith from which we ALL originate - yes both Michael Brown, the officer, myself and you are all FAMILY. #OneHeartManyBEATS I pray that we challenge one another to push DAILY toward reaching our potential. For utilizing our divine gifts. I challenge officers, community leaders, youth, neighbors - as I challenge myself. One Love is not just a trendy shirt or bumper sticker to purchase...
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:04:15 +0000

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