Its not just KCR. If some vested interests try to insult Telangana - TopicsExpress


Its not just KCR. If some vested interests try to insult Telangana or Telanganas representatives or Telangana martyrs, even I will fight back. I took birth in Telangana. Last night, Arnab Goswami of Times Now, a national TV channel, has accused our beloved CM, K Chandra Sekhar Rao, of wrongdoing. Apparently, he has called the Chief Minister a murderer and asked for him to be arrested. I want to ask Arnab Goswami a few questions. Arnab ji, 1) If someone insults your mother in your presence, will you slap them or go to the police station to file a case against them? 2) Are you saying you should be allowed to say anything and everything under the Freedom of Press mask? Are you saying you shouldnt be questioned no matter how many mistakes you make? 3) In the past, a lot of people have used the media to cover up many of their acts. Havent you come across any of those incidents? Do you call such acts of saving a few people journalism? Just look at the number of media outlets owned by the politicians and political parties. Should these political mouthpieces be allowed to say anything and everything as long as it suits their own perverted interests? Do you think all the opinions and news that these channels spew on people is journalism? Do you think we take all of this journalism lying down? Why dont you every debate about the kind of journalism being practiced in the country? Are you too afraid to look into the mirror? 4) By ridiculing our culture and our representatives, these news agencies have belittled us and our respect in the world. We have fought for decades to gain our identity. A lot of people have lost livelihoods and lives in the struggle for our basic rights in Telangana. Despite getting our own state, these news channels, driven by their own motives, would not let us rest. They keep insulting our representatives and our identity. Do you expect us to fold our hands and sit silently because they are doing journalism? What the hell are you talking about? A section of the media and politicians referred to our CM as bekar and drew similarities between KCR-led-Telangana and Pakistan 5) You have come out to question KCR now, but where were you when a section of the media and politicians referred to our CM as bekar and drew similarities between KCR-led-Telangana and Pakistan? Where were you when some vested interests were ridiculing that someone from Andhra Pradesh would need visa to come to Hyderabad if Telangana came to be an independent state? Isnt that insulting us and our commitment to the Republic of India? When someone compares us to Pakistanis, we didnt find you and your team of journalists coming to our defence. Where were you? Why didnt you debate the assault on our dignity and identity? 6) Would banning Telangana news channels in Andhra Pradesh, according to you, demonstrate Freedom of Press? Is that all you want? In my opinion, I love Telangana as much as I love India. Telangana is my home, my identity and my dignity. If anyone sets out to disrespect my motherland, either Telangana or India, we will not take it lying down. Its not just KCR. If some vested interests try to insult Telangana or Telanganas representatives or Telangana martyrs, even I will fight back. I took birth in Telangana. I have great respect for my motherland and I take pride in my Telangana identity. Its not just me. Everyone from Telangana will have the same pride. Before speaking/debating, please research about the realities on the ground and understand the whole scenario, Mr. Arnab. Just because you are a big name in the national media, you cannot pass sweeping judgments without even understanding the ground realities. JAI TELANGANA.. JAI JAI TELANGANA! https://youtube/watch?v=oei_qlEiwhY
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:38:12 +0000

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