Its not just that he rose... Though I have an incredibly hard time - TopicsExpress


Its not just that he rose... Though I have an incredibly hard time getting past that. Death was not used to being vanquished. Jesus had delayed it a couple of times while a miracle worker in his early ministry, but those people too, went on to eventual human death. So the fact that Jesus looked death face to face and let it do its worst--yet He did not stay dead--defeating it forever--this fact causes many to stumble. Yet we seldom pay attention to the other phrase, Just as He said! How did he know with accuracy what the rulers would decide? How did He know on Palm Sunday that those who cheered his entry were so persuadable that they would seethe for His death? How did He know that the ones He loved most would at best deny and at worst betray His love for them? How did He know the Temple would be torn down and rebuilt on the third day? How did know that the Father would send another? How did He know ANY of the things... He said... Would come to pass--Just AS HE SAID? He wouldve had to have been the ultimate insider, trading on information so exclusive that it would not only penetrate the legal workings of the religious leaders of Jerusalem (whose inner circles were impossible to penetrate under false pretense--especially in only two days time) but also those of the Imperial Roman legal system. In order for Him to say these things He wouldve had to have had foreknowledge that the gathered population of Jerusalem couldve been conned into calling for Barabbas who stole, thieved, pillaged, and murdered--instead of Himself--who had no record of one thing done wrong. In order for Him to have had human foreknowledge he would have had to have known how to harden to Roman rulers heart even as his wife was attempting to influence him into neutrality on the matter and person of Jesus. No... For these reasons and many more the celebration for the defeat of death, the trick that beat science to the punch, and to this day stands as a body blow to the most impressive scientific minds, surely this is amazing. But the matter of doing it Just as He said tells us something about not only the nature of the magnitude of the miracles performed--but also the importance of the authority, and on whos behalf they occurred. For Him to know even one speck of preknowledge and to get it right would be miraculous on the human level. But NO MAN, no mere mortal--no matter how learned--could predict the outcome of so many bits and pieces to the story that our Salvation rests upon. The greatest proof in history... That the Redeemer, Messiah is come... Is on full display today. Believe, follow, worship, and know! That the promise of your life ahead can be rooted in the same truth of the one who is not there, but is Risen... JUST AS HE SAID! -Kevin McCullough 04/20/14
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 21:41:07 +0000

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