Its not like they werent warned. Ive talked until I was blue in - TopicsExpress


Its not like they werent warned. Ive talked until I was blue in the face-and received a LOT of nasty criticism and verbal barrages of name calling and accusations, even lost FRIENDS over how I feel about Obamacare, but do you think thatll matter? Nope. Theyll find some way to blame this on Bush, too. Ive got news for ya-you cant get something for nothing, and any time in all of HISTORY the government has gotten involved with previously private enterprise, costs increased exponentially while efficiency and customer service circled the drain. This isnt just my opinion because I despise POTUS-this is very easy to reference in history for anyone caring to do so. So here we are-we have no clue how many people have actually signed up, more importantly how many people have actually PAID for their insurance (in quotes because its not insurance at all) and now the subsidies that half of those people got will be owed back to the government on tax day. I hate that its going to take hitting people where it hurts to get them to see it, and I hate that people will have to suffer before they do something about it instead of the alternative, which was to employ some critical, long term thinking instead of adopting emotional arguments (but everyone has a RIGHT to health insurance!!! Right??) Health insurance isnt a right, and health insurance does NOT equate to health CARE. Sadly, people with Obamacare have no more access to care than they did before, with few exceptions. Of all the people Ive asked-and its been a couple hundred-only two told me they were able to get affordable premiums, and werent able to get insurance before due to pre-existing conditions. TWO. And they didnt define affordable, so I have no idea if that was just affordable for THEM, or if that would apply to the average. Two. Bottom line-if Obamacare did what it promised to do, we would be bombarded with success stories in the news daily. This admin has no problem telling everyone about its successes over and over again (or in the case of Bin Laden, SEAL team 6s success, plus hundreds of others over 10 years) It doesnt work-there are fewer people insured today than before Obamacare was implemented, and the quality of care has gone down, plus 90+ million people out of the labor force entirely, plus the MASSIVE expansion of the welfare state, plus thousands and thousands of illegals we are now being forced to provide schooling, medical care, and food for (they may not officially qualify for Obamacare, but they get health care just like they always have, and EBT cards) and our premiums on our own insurance plans have gone up (mine by 20% so far, but next year is the one weve been warned about) because the ONLY way Obamacare works is for healthy people to pay for the sick and the poor. I dont know about you, but I cant take care of everyone else-MY family is MY responsibility, and taking food out of MY childs mouth and forcing me to give it to someone elses child? No-thats unacceptable. Americans, literally, have NO MORE TO GIVE, but taxes will only continue to go up to fund all these humanitarian efforts. How much more can you afford before you have to sacrifice food, clothing, a hard earned vacation once a year, and gas in your car? How much more before this isnt just some abstract concept those hysterical conservatives keep talking about? For many, its already at the breaking point, and as that number increases, so does the possibility of revolution, whether its a peaceful one or not. Civil disobedience is the key-nullify. Refuse to participate. The government cant force something thats unconstitutional already if the people refuse to comply-not without force-and theyre not going to do that. Not yet.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:01:56 +0000

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