Its not so hard to get your letter seen. Yesterday my mate - TopicsExpress


Its not so hard to get your letter seen. Yesterday my mate Andy had the lead letter in the SMH, today they ran my follow up. As a member of the ALP I was horrified to read the comments about Labor toying with the idea of continuing the Coalitions policy of turning back boats full of asylum seekers (Scott Morrison invokes John Howard in challenging Labor to back temporary protection visas, October 27). This policy approaches the practice of refoulement, which breaches international conventions established by the United Nations, and to which Australia is a signatory. The conventions seek to prevent countries from returning refugees to places where their lives and safety are compromised. What Richard Marles doesnt seem to realise is that, in doing this, Labor will both lose the fight for the Right and lose the Left. I for one pledge that if Labor goes down this track I will leave the party. I refuse to be complicit in any plan to further damage people who come to us looking for our help. Andy Busuttil Hazelbrook Andy Busuttil (Letters, October 28) is on the money regarding the ALP even courting the idea of embracing the governments war on asylum seekers. The latest proposal by Scott Morrison is a bill that effectively removes this countrys obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention, upon which refugee law has been built, and removes the powers of the courts to enforce it. It also effectively opens the way to refoulement of asylum seekers, back to the horror and death they fled. Desperate, starving families seeking refuge here are not the enemy of Australia. Ignorance, bigotry, racism and those politicians who exploit them are. Shayne Chester Potts Point The SMH has 30,000 readers online right now. They claim a 3,607,000^ Monthly Unique Audience.Its a great way to deliver your message en masse and you can be sure the electorate officers of all the politicians are reading and reporting.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:57:26 +0000

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