Its not so much that you have to be perfectly pure in your - TopicsExpress


Its not so much that you have to be perfectly pure in your approach to the mountains, its just that accolades and such are a lot less meaningful when you dont take the time to actually start pure and add aides as you actually figure out you need them. Today, most mountaineers just assume because all the aides are there, you should use them or you wont have success and with delusional justification that its safer. . Subsequently all most realize is a summit but nothing near what they are actually capable of, and nothing about the magnitude of what those mountains actually present. Go to the mountains on their terms, and if the summit is all that matters, take the time to figure out how to get one with as pure a style as you can. That process will leave you a better, more experienced mountaineer, and will give you an understanding that great things dont come from starting with shortcutting and compromising as the means to the end. Even if you end up using all the aides, if you got to that point by trial and error, by paying your dues to actually know, thats a victory. But if you dont start with a pure approach, you will lose an opportunity to learn a lot about yourself. So its not about being pure, its about trying to be as pure as you can. Assume you can and dont assume you cant. Think about it. A summit that started with assuming you couldnt without, starts out negative. Assume you can and then take the time to figure things out otherwise.... It really is about the journey.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:00:00 +0000

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