Its not up to us to meddle in others relationships because its - TopicsExpress


Its not up to us to meddle in others relationships because its does take two to tangle and know one outside of the actual source really knows what is going on within closed doors. I usually do not post this sort of thing on Facebook in some ways it goes both ways. When children are victims of parents abuse it scars them for life. In this case I have witnessed both sides of this story. In order to fix this both must come to God for forgiveness, it is quite evil to tear apart the parental ring unless its about the parent or parents who are both at fault in this horrific experience of separation and ultimately divorce. I have known people who have ate at each other when they actually love each other. If others would leave them alone to work out their futures without interference from the galleries of opinion. It not okay to meddle in the business of Gods workings no matter what sins or damages have been accused within the dynamic of human relationships. Upon vesting some time with some friends whom I do know well I personally think, and opinions are like you know whats but when you know two people who have long struggled due to the stupidity of others and the allowing of others opinions to fester in ones lives this in itself is very damaging to the souls of little ones. It may not appear at first its a long uphill climb to the gates of forgiveness mainly within the core of those who know beyond a shadow of a doubt, deep in their existence together there is love so deep sometimes it hurts with flaw, but the integrity of truth must prevail, it does not make one guilty or innocent it makes one to the side with evil courses. This mix is damaging, hurtful and just the perfect combination to destroy souls and implicate sorcery to its fullest demises. What you hear may not be what is true. Gossip travels like a whirlwind which is just like a big hurricane. When the winds blow then calmness comes their becomes a healing process even with human beings. Im hurt but this force just hearing the forecasts my hope is this storm with cease, then the lights of heaven will open up, the wounds be licked and the journey travels on in peace. If your reading this the parties know who they are bring hope not more pain. Get to the bottom of this sore and clean it up. face the thorns pluck them off if you have to. Being a good judge of character I know from sittings spending time, watching, these accusations may be from a bad choice to punish a child whom is without blame who has the ability to sever the bonds of what God brings forth. There is no blame here. The guns have blazed it is time to blow out the smoke dig deep and find out what the source really is that is crossing the corners of doom. I also believe it started with a discipline by ones hand and ended up into an innuendo which I believe afterwards turned into a very punishing accusation. If this accusation is true which I do not believe it is. Nor do I favor this accusation for any child anywhere. Before we come to conclusions both parties are not at fault know one is at fault both parties are doing the right thing for now. I trust both parties will come to a head with this matter. It hurts me again even if its none of my business which it is not however posting on Facebook makes it the business of everyone concerned which we all are. I say let them heal it themselves God has a plan it will unfold with the proper resource and we really actually do not have a clue as to what the results with be. In closing I hope everyone had learned a valuable lesson from this I know I experienced the same thing when I worked in group homes for troubled youth. I was accused of child abuse of a 14 year old girl who I disciplined made her write lines out of a dictionary she then took it out on me by saying I was going through her drawers at night while she was sleeping. It was a terrible thing to live with I was placed on hold from work a formal investigation took place, and they found out the time she had said I have committed this I was in a meeting with other staff members. So it was squashed I went back to work we got together with the young lady and worked out our differences. She still had to do the lines on the chalk board. The feelings I was going through were terrible just from one accusation. Children can really roar up and its the only defense they have not knowing or intensionally doing something wrong just retaliating from a discipline they felt was out of line for them. The last thing I wish to input since Im speaking about this quite frankly here. If this is not the case it turns out to be proven true then all bets are off, and one needs to get some serious prison time and some serious help. So I leave you with that. You may pass this along to the other party involved since those so called friends are quite apt to do so. For us to side with anyone or believe this or that one must have training which I do, and I understand my dearest friends are really struggling with this remember it is know ones fault because there is history good or bad their is history, and I do know the parties well. I pray this is the course. Say what you will but allow this course to take place. without a bunch of gossip hens in the pen with nothing better to do but cluck.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:33:41 +0000

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