Its official. I am a full fledged pin-cushion... I have had so - TopicsExpress


Its official. I am a full fledged pin-cushion... I have had so much blood drawn in the last two weeks that of the 12 vials they wanted to fill today, they had to stop after number 9 when nothing but dust came out... The Bad news: The bad news from Friday still applies and cant be run away or hidden from. At all. I am still going to have a very different life from here on than I have so far. The good news: Its not as bad as they originally stated. I am actually in STELLAR health according to the rest of my vitals and tests (aside from the big bad news) In fact, I was shocked and a little taken aback when the doc told me that I have a SUPREMELY healthy liver (considering the volume of booze I have filtered through it!) And just for those who dont take hints well, theres a reason I am not openly discussing what the news is. So dont be an asshole by asking me. Just know that I am facing some rough shit, and am learning to accept and adapt to it. All will be revealed in time. Until then, just be supportive and positive, and respect how I am feeling about my news without devaluing those feelings while I am still in the process of getting all of this to fit inside my psyche. For those of you whom have been less than supportive, I understand that my vague statements are trying for you. Please try to bear in mind that this is absolutely NOT about what you do or dont understand. Its about ~my~ health. I dont expect you to like it, but if you are to be a part of my life, I do expect you to accept and respect it. For those who have been supportive and understanding of my vagueness... Thank you, Everyone! I truly appreciate and love each and every one of you whom has shown concern and support!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:11:40 +0000

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