Its only in kaporuso,tendwet vill bmt east wea SWEET POTATOES - TopicsExpress


Its only in kaporuso,tendwet vill bmt east wea SWEET POTATOES FIGHT HUMAN BEINGS!DUNIA KWISHA.. It was reporyed tat a man,whose identity cant b reveald nw 4security reasons,was travelling om on a bodaa 2geta wit unidentified old man.on da wei,da old man alighted&went on his wei.wen da man arrived om,he realisd tat da old man had 4gotten a bag containing sweet potatoes tied 2da bodaa so he decided 2kip it in his house.Later,wen went 2 his house,he was surprised 2find da potatoes "dancing"on top of da table!wen he tried picking them,da potatoes begun giving him a merciless beating.When he realisd tat his lyf was in danger,he startd wailing 4help&attracted da oter members of his family who ran 2rescue him only 2suffer da sem beating.It was only wen da owner of da house shouted SHINDWE!SHINDWE!SHINDWEEEE!!,wen da sweet potatoes calmd down&da beating subsided.By da tym ma reporter went 2press,da fate of da sweet potatoes had not been known.RIPGEI CHICHI,USIPANDE BODAAA OVYO OVYO,CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES:CHUNGANA!
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 13:37:18 +0000

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