Its only the black skinned people always complaining about racism. - TopicsExpress


Its only the black skinned people always complaining about racism. hhmm Miss America is for all Women. Why then do they have a Miss Black America and only allow those of black skin color? Racist. KKK and any other group gets banned has their Property taken and get thrown in Prison. Why then is the black panther gang tolerated and used to prevent people from voting Republican? Why is there FAFSA for people to get help with college? And then black skinned people have special Colleges for black skinned people and special Funding to be used by black skinned people? The Summit Academy is advertised on TV to get a job and zero money out of pocket. The Website only shows photos of black skinned people participating in Graduations, and only Caucasians donating money. Why is a Caucasian Labeled a racist if they have pride in their Heritage? And yet black skinned people are praised for having black pride? If the black skinned people are about 10-15% of the total Population in America? Why then do they account for 80% of all Violent Crimes? The TV news published North Minneapolis as 20% of the Cities total Landmass, and yet accounting for 80% of all Violent Crimes. As the TV Show Beretta motto sang: Dont do the Crime, if you cant do the Time. Why do black skinned people always want to use Slavery and their skin color to avoid punishment for crimes? The black skinned female quoted as saying it was released from Slavery, LIES. This Country Abolished Slavery over 140 Years ago. Not a single person is still alive from then. The Grand Jury in Ferguson found zero evidence that the Cop did anything wrong. And the Statement from the Prosecutor: Why did soo many people LIE, and when Questioned by the Grand Jury, admitted that they only repeated what they heard. Why then do the black skinned people Riot and Loot? When trayvon martin was killed. Why did the Media only show photos of it as a 12 year old instead of the Teenager that it was? Why did the Media Label it White on Black Crime? One of George Zimmermans Grandfathers had black skin, and George Zimmerman looks Hispanic/African, not Caucasian. Ergo it was not a White on Black crime. It was black on black crime. How is it that jesse jackson, al sharpton and all the other Race Baiters can only remember trayvon martins name? And yet conveniently dont know the names of any other black killed by black? This happens many times a day throughout the World. Why dont they complain about africans killing africans on the african Continent? If the blacks hate America sooo much? Why do they stay here? Very simple, africa doesnt offer Welfare for people who are stupid and lazy to provide for themselves. Apartheid was deemed to be evil and yet only accounted for 7,000 deaths during the 45 years they were in power. Once nelson mandela and the ANC took over, they are credited with killing about 25,000 people a years. hhmm How interesting that the Media covers up these facts.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 22:53:04 +0000

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