Its only this. Life is imagination. It’s a movie. It’s a - TopicsExpress


Its only this. Life is imagination. It’s a movie. It’s a T.V. show. The images, the ideas, the concepts that surround us are actually only fantasies. Non of them are real, and in fact all of them only ever have the power that we give them. Fear, depression, love, joy, the emotions of life seem so important, so powerful. These are the things we want, and the things we don’t want, the things we like and the things that we don’t like. But all of them have a life force of their own and they all come and go as they please. When happiness arises we feel good, when unhappiness arises we feel bad. They are the masters, and we are the poor helpless victims. But once again, this is just another fantasy. Fear is only fear. It is an impermanent movement of mind that comes and goes by itself, but in reality it only ever has the power and influence that we give it. Happiness is the same, it arises and passes away due to conditions, but in the end, the things we want and the things we don’t want, are only fear and happiness. When we understand this, the real nature of the mind and so the real nature of life, we are free. Our world is comprised of and conditioned by the mental states that we empower. Nothing exists outside the mind, and this mind is our world. So, see things as they are. Don’t be afraid. You won’t loose anything, but you will gain everything. To understand that things are only things, that this is this, is to know freedom in your life. So when something pleasant arises in your life, enjoy because it’s only this and it won’t last. When something unpleasant arises, relax, this too is only this and it also will pass. Don’t make more of it than there really is. May all beings be happy.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:09:48 +0000

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