Its payday! Its time for the heavenly subsidies. Think you - TopicsExpress


Its payday! Its time for the heavenly subsidies. Think you have it hard here? Is the money not going as far as it used to? Working more hours for less pay? We have the answer! Now right off the bat, this is going to sound crazy but work with, have faith, as they say. Send your money to god and all your problems will be solved. Just take it on down to one of the local churches, give it to the preacher and hell see that god gets it and then god runs it through his celestial cash enhancer and youll get it back. ....three fold.....or ten fold, if youll put a few hundred on your credit card. Oh! You hadnt heard? Why yes! Many of the churches that are closest to god now take credit cards and have ATM machines. DONT ASK QUESTIONS DAMNIT!!!! JUST DO IT, OR YOU WONT GET ANY MONEY BACK!!! But if your lack of faith interferes with getting a big return on your investment youll at least have the peace of mind in knowing you bought your way out of hell. Faith....just have faith. In related news: The religious council of the world has just announced that one mustard seed of faith is equivilent to $500, and with inflation figured in, its going to take about 20 mustard seeds to move a mountain.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:49:10 +0000

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