Its people like this that make me sick. Usually Ill tell you how - TopicsExpress


Its people like this that make me sick. Usually Ill tell you how Ive heard thank our servicemen or thank our vets so much Im actually sick to death of it and the best way to thank us is to not saying anything unless A) its a young child thats trying to do something nice or B) youve been in our shoes: you know what weve gone through/what were still going through, the sacrifices that have made and are still being made - because truthfully, the thanking a vet every day gets old and frustrating. BUT, that being said, I do hold our servicemen and women as well as MOST of our police officers, EMS, and Firefighters in the highest regards. These people put their lives on the line every day in more ways than one, and I dont mean just in front of bullets and such. The stress of their jobs, as well as the danger of some of their jobs, puts their families in danger as well which causes marital discord and more often than not divorce. There is a reason the military has the highest divorce rate. Stress and frustration are marriage killers. My father served in the Force Recon during Vietnam, as well as his best friend, the man I call my Uncle Ken. Both tell me stories of some of their adventures: only they arent stories. My father is as white as you can possibly get. Uncle Ken is almost the opposite, hes not the blackest man Ive known, but hes definitely dark. And back in the 1960s that made a huge difference. Stationed at Kay Bay on Oahu, my father and Uncle Ken became friends in the middle of a fight, Uncle Ken says he stepped in save my dad from an ass whooping and my dad says just the opposite: one thing about how they became friends, Ill never know the real truth. What happens in the middle of a Marines fight stays in the middle of a Marines fight. Another thing about Marines, they ALWAYS have each others back. They were stationed together in Nam, three tours: they had each others back in thick and thin. There were a couple of battles where they werent together but that was not often. When they were in Honolulu/Waikiki they spent their liberty hanging at the beach usually but there were some times they decided they wanted to go see a movie or see a concert. 1960s Hawaii my father had no problem getting into any place he wanted, my Uncle Ken still had some issues. They decided to go to a movie one day both my dad and Uncle Ken tell the story. They sit one row behind a white woman sitting by herself. Dad sits on one side of her and Uncle Ken sits on the other, no one sits directly behind her. My dads an ass more than half the time, and thats intentional - he likes getting on peoples nerves. Thats probably one reason he and Uncle Ken get along so damn great. While the woman was watching the movie that was playing, my dad supposedly said real loudly I smell a Nigger. Now, I have to admit, I dont condone racism. My father made damn sure to raise me and my siblings against any type of racism/injustice, but I would have paid money to have been there to have seen the commotion my dad and Uncle Ken caused. When my dad more or less shouted his sentence, Uncle Ken tells me the woman looked around, saw him (he waved), then screamed and fainted. All because there was a black man sitting right next to her. The management came in to remove the trouble makers, but when they saw the trouble makers were in the service (in uniform) and were only on liberty, they gave them a free showing at a later time - so not to bother the current patron. The next day my dad and Uncle Ken went back and were given seats up close to the stage, plus drinks and popcorn. Uncle Ken says the management gave them all the extras because of his good looks, dad says its because of his charm. Again, its one Ill never know the truth too, they ALWAYS change it fit their mood. They do always agree with how it occurred though. Dad and Uncle Ken also tell about some of their nightmarish times in Nam, fighting in the front lines, calling in an air strike for them to drop napalm on an insurgent group coming their way. How the smell of burnt bodies still haunts them now, over forty years later with just a scene of some ditzy movie to trigger a memory. How we can be watching Forest Gump and Dad will get quiet, his eyes get a far away look in them as he stares at nothing in particular and asks if so and so made it out yet. You can tell, just looking at him hes right back in Nam again, and maybe itll be just for a couple minutes (usually) or maybe itll be a little bit longer, but you sure as hell hope itll not be any longer than that. Now, what this guy is doing compared to people like my father and Uncle Ken, and all the other men and women who served in Vietnam and Korean War, World War One and Two, Mexican War, and so forth is a complete disgrace. Hes an insult. Someone DOES need to do something with him.I dont know what exactly, but but something needs to be done. And more people need to see this. Anyway if more people see this, then more people can try can fry his sorry ass.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:07:27 +0000

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