Its quite easy to figure out what happened to the missing - TopicsExpress


Its quite easy to figure out what happened to the missing airliner. It was probably a fire. Here is a good example. There was a fire on-board this flight back in 1973 caused by a cigarette tossed into a waste container in the rear lavatory. Within 7 minutes all the passengers died except for 1. The pilot and crew were able to escape as they were seated in the front. The passengers did not die because of the fire, but from the toxic fumes of the fire itself. I will post a good example of what happens to someone after a few whiffs of burning plastic. The plane can still continue to fly if the fire is small enough and eventually extinguishes itself. The pilot of this particular flight never made it to the airport. He set it down in a field miles short of the airport. Incidentally, the pilot of Flight 820 disappeared flying a cargo plane in 1979. The plane was never recovered.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:42:28 +0000

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