Its quite scary and concerning to see that Christians have put - TopicsExpress


Its quite scary and concerning to see that Christians have put peoples feelings before the truth (Gods will, Gods way, Gods word). We have become so comfortable with sin that even when someone does something unGodly, we turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. We indirectly condone ungodly behavior and we cheer them up, we enjoy such behavior instead of standing against. People need to know where we stand, they not only need to hear about it but they need to also see it. The lives that we live need to represent the God that we serve. At the moment its almost to tell apart a believer from non-believer because believers are found doing the same things as non-believers. What is the point of a person living in the world to want to be born again if the same born again is found indulging in worldly pleasures? Dont get me wrong, I am not saying dont be in their presence or talk to them because that would be an unGodly act, Im saying when you are in their presence, you should not be found conducting yourself in a way that contradicts you being a born again. We need to be heard and really exercising statements such as we will not conform to the standard of the world. We need to let our light shine so bright that the world can see the God that you serve in us .... It is scriptural to rebuke and correct, it is scriptural to warn others of their wicked ways but we would much rather keep quite because we might come across as judging and this is the one thing that everyone (believers and non-believers) hold on to. Well maybe part of the truth is that we choose to accept such worldly behavior, that we are afraid to say anything because we are also guilty of doing the same things so how can we stand and say otherwise? You can not be guilty of the same thing you claim to stand against. In everything thing that we do, we just need to remember that CHRIST is coming back and no one knows the hour. The question is, when He comes, what will you be doing? And even if you are not doing anything secular, can you stand and say, I warned them of their wicked ways? Wake up church of Christ, the world is dying and it is up to you and me to go out there, preach the Gospel of truth and make disciples of all the nations...
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:01:20 +0000

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