Its rare that I criticise the staff at Hill St as Jon Baker runs a - TopicsExpress


Its rare that I criticise the staff at Hill St as Jon Baker runs a good room, one that most of you voted for in our end of year polls, but tonight, in my opinion a dealer not paying attention pretty much cost me my tournament life, though a dreadful bad beat comes in at the end as is traditional. So, at the start of the hand with blinds at 100-200, seat 1 announces 1000 and puts the chip in, seat 3 puts 1000 in too, the dealer then announces 200 to call to me, I say he raised and Ill reraise to 3.5k, seat 1 says he said 1k, which me and two other players agreed and the dealer then says he didnt hear that so seat 3 has an option to withdraw the call, then changes his mind and says that seat 1s bet is just a call. Seat 3 then takes his chips back and passes. At this point the dealer then states that the bet is 1k again. So I restate my reraise to 3.5k. Seat 8 calls and seat 1 calls too. Im holding AsQc and the flop runs out QJ9, all diamonds. Seat 1 then picks up a bunch of chips, drops 3k over the line then flicks his hand over to throw another 5k into the pot after looking at his cards. Me and seat 8 say its a string bet to which the dealer States he didnt see it, seat 1 says he dropped them seperately but that it was all in one motion which it clearly wasnt. He then calls Jon over and proceeds to demonstrate to Jon (wrongly) how he thought the bet was made, despite seconds before saying he never saw it. Jon says the bet stands so knowing hes now put virtually half his stack in on a draw I cant just call but have to reraise him all in there and then. Sure enough he calls and shows pocket tens with the Td. Turn comes Js and river is Kd to double him up and leave me with 13k. Now if the 3k bet stood which it should have done I could have flatted the flop bet and put him all in on the turn with just 1 card to come, he may have called his tournament life off on a draw or he may not, but a lack of attention for the whole hand changed the action dramatically. Sitting on tilt I then shoved blind all in next hand with T3, get called by 99 and the board runs out KKQQ....J to split the pot though I admit the guy was in front. So again I go blind all in and one guy (the 99) snaps me off for a second guy to also call. Hands go on their back and snap call has AT, second caller has Q5....! I turn my cards over, first card is Kc, second card is Kd...! Board runs out with a Q & 5 to give him two pair. Which of course is followed by the I was trying to bust out and re-enter speech..... Yadiyadiya!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:55:39 +0000

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