Its rather fictitious to believe that one person would solve all - TopicsExpress


Its rather fictitious to believe that one person would solve all the nations challenges. There have been no messiahs since Jesus Christ, and even then, what did the Jews do to Him? For tangible change to occur, people must learn to change their orientation. This goes beyond party affiliation. This goes beyond brandishing brooms and umbrellas. This goes beyond hero-worship and praise singing. It certainly goes beyond name-calling, trading blame and passing the buck. It definitely goes beyond ranting and vehemently defending someone who hardly knows you. What do you want as a Nigerian citizen? How do you get the best deal? How would your future be secure? Why should you be any different from citizens in developed nations? Those are some of the questions we should be asking. It is time for Nigerians to demand for better treatment, and not just hand outs. Some people dont care if the standard of their living remains poor as long as their governor doles out rice, oil and naira notes every weekend. Dont sell yourself short. Task your leaders on accountability and governance. Draw their attention to anomalies in your environment. Infrastructure is more important than hand-outs. Gifts dont last, but good infrastructure would serve you for decades. Why must you be so smug about a bag of rice when you and your children can be empowered to feed others? Why must you praise someone who throws money at supporters, but cannot fix roads? Why do we make excuses for the non-performance of our leaders? Governance is a collective effort. Everyone should act like responsible stakeholders. Even we have the best leaders in power, our attitude as followers can make them mediocre. Stop asking your leaders for bags of rice. Stop asking them for bribes. Has it ever occured to you where they get the funds from? Dont be naive to think that when they get elected, they wont replenish their pockets first. Think of yourself and your future. When your leaders leave power, they will still be able to fly abroad for medical treatment. Their children would still school in Ivy League institutions all over the world. Their wives would still go for shopping in Dubai. Et toi, where would you be?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 13:24:32 +0000

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