Its really great that RINO Paul Ryan is not running in 2016. The - TopicsExpress


Its really great that RINO Paul Ryan is not running in 2016. The rest of the RINOS need to follow his example and NOT run: Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Mario Rubio, Chris Christie, They are untrustworthy and support Amnesty. It would be a WASTE of our time and they do NOT have what it takes to turn around America. While I like Ben Carson, he has not been consistent on 2nd Amendment and Amnesty. He is NOT ready for Presidency as we still dont know if we could trust him to not cave in. While I love Sarah Palin, people are wasting their time trying to draft her...she does not have the means to successfully win an Eleciton because of too much damage from media smearing. After what RINO McCain pulled during the 2008 election, it has hurt her winning chances of running even as a VP.But she would be great asset to serve in the President Cabinet or as a RNC chair person. The ONLY rising star that has proven to be true to Conservative values, someone who has stood his ground and never once caved in with the Democrats, followed through on his promises....that is TED CRUZ!!!! Oh and sleazeballs, GOP hackers and money backers like Karl Rove need to be sent packin!!!! Weve had ENOUGH of them buying the candidates whom THEY think that we need to vote for! Time to take back our WE THE PEOPLE power and choose our own candidates who have been vetted! NO MORE FAVORISM!! NO MORE Ill scratch your back if you scratch mine crap! This includes Conservatives we liked and voted for but they won with the help of Rove, Christie, Boehner, etc., where they feel ilke they owe them. BOOM...A TRAP! THERE IS NO OWING ANYONE! They need to stick to the values and why we voted for them in the first place! The elections belong to WE THE PEOPLE. PERIOID!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:52:41 +0000

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