Its really quite disgusting to see mindless support expressed for - TopicsExpress


Its really quite disgusting to see mindless support expressed for Hamas, one of the most vicious and unpopular terrorist groups on the planet, under the guise of being for peace or being loyal to the left. Even more disgusting are the accusations of genocide that come straight out of old Baath Party propaganda, spread while the regimes in Syria and Iraq were bombing Kurdish villages with nerve gas. Or the attributions of Hamass criminal actions to the cause of Palestine or some kind of indigenous struggle, or the waving away of Middle East problems to ancient blood feuds as one commenter on my post put it, or even worse to Zionism. So lets get some facts straight. The current police action in Gaza has nothing to do with Arab-Jewish or Muslim-Jewish problems, nor with ethnic or indigenous peoples problems of any kind. 21% of the Israeli population is Arab. Thats in Israel proper, not counting the West Bank or Gaza. There is no violence problem involving this large Arab population, and no attempt to remove or eliminate them. There are as many Arabs living in Israel as in Gaza, and many Israeli Arabs support the current action in Gaza because they too want to be safe from Hamas missiles and they know that Hamas needs to be destroyed. The current action is Gaza is aimed only at destroying Hamas, totally and permanently, to end the barrage of over 1200 missiles that have been fired with random targeting by Hamas over the past few years. The Israeli government has made this clear and their is tacit support from many Arab governments, who themselves have had enough of Hamas. Hamas does not represent anyone other than its own decrepit bureaucracy. Hamas has not permitted elections in years, knowing it would lose. That its improvised warfare against Israel has violated all manner of national and international law, including the Geneva Conventions, was made clear by yesterdays ambush of Israeli soldiers by armed gunmen dressed in Israeli uniforms, while illegal tunnels for infiltration of Israel were being cleared. Hamas is notorious for the targeting of civilians and for the use of human shields, intentionally placing its missile batteries in schools and hospitals, to maximize the civilian casualties when Israel is provoked to attack. When children die from violence in Gaza, the guilty party is Hamas. Hamas is not an indigenous party in Palestine --which is the name of the land, not a people. Until 1967, the term Palestinian included Jews. Hamas, on the other hand, is comprised of agents drawn from all over the Arab world, sent to Gaza under the banner of jihad, representing the political interests of the governments of Syria, Iran, and Russia. Vladimir Putin is the real force behind Hamas, and that is why the struggles in Ukraine and Israel are linked and being intentionally coordinated. Jews and Arabs have lived peacefully with one another for millennia. The problems between them do not arise from blood feuds but from foreign manipulations by bankers, oil companies, and Russo-Iranian political ambitions. To work for peace, support the destruction of Hamas.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:46:11 +0000

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