Its really sad to see that too many lack critical thinking skills - TopicsExpress


Its really sad to see that too many lack critical thinking skills nowadays on both sides of the American political fence. If I criticize the right, Im a RINO or outright liberal according to some. The same can be said for some of my left-wing friends with their low-level thinking counterparts. If one of them criticizes the left or Obama, they must really be a Republican in disguise. What has happened that we cannot look into the political mirror & speak critically of our side when necessary? Objective criticism is not only necessary, its healthy. If you are a person who only praises your political tribe & only criticizes the opposition, and even more, attack anyone who criticizes your side objectively, you have lost all sense of not only objectivity but probably reality too. Blind loyalty is killing this country....but hey, the powers that be love it.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 23:03:59 +0000

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