Its regrettable that after all the negative publicity our - TopicsExpress


Its regrettable that after all the negative publicity our Chairmans policies have garnered with the national press in recent weeks that come Saturday, when all BFC fans were looking forward to focusing their attentions on our first game , we incredibly saw our shambolic pre-season preparations descend to yet new depths. After being forced to endure the disappointment of the Club seemingly failing to display the foresight to organise itself purposefully over the summer ( despite our Chairmans promises ) and instead leaving recruitment so late - the least fans expect is that having adopted such a cavalier approach to squad acquisition that the Club would ensure that we get the registration of our late arrivals bang on. Instead we and indeed Jose learned that we only had 9 players registered on the morning of the game. To mis-quote Oscar Wilde To forget one players registration may be regarded as a misfortune; to forget six looks like carelessness. Its rather ironic that BFC has a football club chairman who constantly reminds us of his business management credentials but then plans his holiday for a time when he is perhaps most vital to the Club, leaving a newly appointed and inexperienced secretary to hold the fort. Quite what Jose and his management team made if it all who knows but those of us who travelled to the City Ground or tuned in to a Radio Lancashire cant fail to have been angered by the shocking incompetence that left perhaps as many as three of the starting side kicking their heels in the stands when they should have been kitted up and ready to do battle with Forest. BST call upon our majority owners to put the mammoth task that we face this season of establishing a competitive side in The Championship somewhat higher up their list of priorities . Perhaps rather than use the expression putting football first glibly within letters in a cheap attempt at point scoring they should try practising it!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:59:10 +0000

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