Its sad.... how people seem to know how others should be living - TopicsExpress


Its sad.... how people seem to know how others should be living their life but they havent looked in the mirror in a long long time. Most times we get super hyper critical when were going through a hard time in our lives. Or when we are mad at ourselves for not being what we think we should be. The Father doesnt look down at us from heaven and think, You know I am so disappointed in you and _______ (fill in blank what you did) so I am going to ignore you now until you shape up! AND I am going to talk to everyone about it on social media. No, He looks down at us with compassion. The Bible says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Some people forget we are still going to fall and fail and that God sent His son to cover it all. YES, we can get ourselves into a mess. Some of us, bigger messes than others. But I dont see anywhere in the scripture where it says, If your mess is smaller go correct that terrible sinner and make sure they shape up! No. It says that when you want to take the toothpick out of someones eyes, be sure to check out the redwood forest in your own first. Because then youll have a better perspective of what its like to fall short and youll have the right words of empathy, encouragement and grace to pull someone up, not tear them down. We are challenged by God to use our mouths wisely. That includes what our hands can type on our smartphones on social media. Were gonna fail. Were gonna act like goofballs sometimes and say things we dont mean. Were gonna lose it and go off on a tangent and correct everyone else but ourselves....when we are so disappointed in ourselves. I wanna see us all, myself included, do this less. We need to really work on supporting each other, falling into the marvelous gracious hands of a loving Savior. Because the enemies main plan is this: If he cant take you back to hell, which he cant once you are born again, hell just try to make you ineffective for the kingdom. Be wise. Be harmless. Walk in love.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 15:37:12 +0000

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