Its so hard to do work today. I know I was one distant degree from - TopicsExpress


Its so hard to do work today. I know I was one distant degree from Frankie as a person. We didnt know each other well, wed met only a few times. I got my prize photo and I cherish that moment. For me, its like meeting Michael Jackson. Its just hard for me to focus today on anything else other than just thinking about his music, his life, his singular focus at being the best he could be in this form of music we call house. The days will go on. The Facebook chatter will die down. But, what we can take from this event is that we all know one day it will come to those we look up to. And we make the best of it while we wait for our turn to go. During that time, we remember those who have gone before us and hope where theyve gone is a peaceful, loving place free of the encumbrances we put on ourselves in this world. Frankie is there now. Hes seen both sides of the fence as many who have gone before him. We remember his music as an inspiration for each of us to do something great in our lives that touch others as much as he did with his music and his smile. So, today...just take a break and remember the man and all his wonderful and hard working friends at DefMix. His family. His loves. His life. His joys and even his failures, because we all have them. What I will remember about these last 24-hours is being on the inside of the house music community that I dedicated my life to. Knowing the influentials. Earning their respect and trust. Being a participant in the outpouring of grief and love in social media. Being connected to to the connected and feeling like we are all, even if we have disagreements, one big extended house music family through music and shared experiences. If this were any time before social media, word would not have spread like wildfire. We would not be able to see what others think about this event. But, we are here with social at the forefront where instantly you can know about a life altering event and put it in perspective. Its minutes and not hours or days. While some people hate on Facebook and we know we give up privacy, sometimes its worth it for the world to communicate at this level on some life event that affects anyone who loved Frankie Knuckles who he was and what he represents in all of us - the belief that anyone can commit to an idea and see it through, despite the obstacles, despite the drama and despite the pain. Frankie persevered and Im sure it was so hard to deal with a disease that is difficult to control while staying at the top of your game. Lord knows, I have it too and I have to watch it myself. I will try and finish out this day in celebration of Frankies life and music and get what I can get done, but its good to take a break and say a prayer for a man and now a legend who is a part of all of us.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:03:30 +0000

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