Its surprisingly taken me this long to watch Blackfish. As a - TopicsExpress


Its surprisingly taken me this long to watch Blackfish. As a professional large animal trainer, and someone with a spiritual connection to Orcas, Im insanely impressed with how some of the trainers handled themselves when in some of these situations. I question alot of the animal husbandry practices of SeaWorld and believe massive changes need to occur but I dont necessarily think they are the Devil incarnate either. Theyre business owners trying to keep their business profitable, which every business tends to want to do. Housing sea mammals is a relatively new practice when compared to, say zoos, and theres got to be a learning curve just as with zoos over the centuries and there are good zoos and bad zooos too. But Heres the thing though...working with any animal that dwarfs you by god knows how much...whether its a horse (10 times the size of an average person) or an orca (100 times maybe?) there is inherent risk and danger. That just comes with the job. Its kinda duh territory. I risk my neck every single time I get on one of my horses, but I wouldnt stay off of them for any money in the world. And I doubt most SeaWorld trainers would stay outta the pool too if given the choice. Would I rather see these orcas swimming wild in the oceans? Absolutely. Would I prefer to see the calfs remain with their mothers, of course. Do I think Seaworld needs a MONSTROUSLY huge overhaul if they are planning on continuing with their program, you bet. But I also just sorta think working with large animals is really kinda dangerous anyway and lets be real here... OK, so I foresee this post causing a big political discussion, and Im good with that but keep it civil or youll be deleted and possibly blocked. I have a strict no BS policy on this page so play nicely kids. :)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 22:07:49 +0000

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