Its taken me 5 days to be ready to write this update, but you all - TopicsExpress


Its taken me 5 days to be ready to write this update, but you all knew it was coming. On Friday evening, whilst I was away on a family trip, Millie crossed the rainbow bridge. I am so incredibly thankful for Andrea, one of our very special foster carers, who spent the day with Millie and made the decision with our veterinarian team that it was time for Millie to cross the bridge. I am really struggling with the knowledge that I wasnt there with her, but I know that Andrea provided Millie will complete love, comfort and gentleness. Millie was with us for only two weeks. In those two weeks she experienced fun, mischief and lots of love. Millie played in my backyard, she ran around in the garden. Millie snuggled with the other dogs and chased my dog Napoleon around and around. She slept on a pillow pet and was fed anything she wanted. Millie convinced Sadie to turn over the bin and together they feasted on garbage! Millie wagged her tail, she licked our faces, she pulled every item of washing out of the washing basket and built nests. Millie stole the cats bed and unwrapped an entire barrel of lucky dips. I rubbed creams and lotion into her skin daily and it no longer hurt or peeled. She enjoyed cool baths and relaxing massages. She was naughty and we loved her for it. At Andreas, Millie ate home cooked meals and lounged on the couch. She froliced in the yard with the big dogs. She slept beside Andreas bed and spent very little time on her own. Millie experienced what it was like to get to sleep ON the humans bed, and she was loved and spoilt. Andrea described her perfectly as a funny old duck. Dear Millie - rest easy now, your last memories were of love. Your last experiences were of care and compassion and gentleness. I am sorry we couldnt save you. Thank you to Carly and the girls at the AWL Ipswich for giving us the oppurtunity to love Millie and make her last days happy.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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